
Desert Roses


Archdemon Empress Luna


No one in the First Circle of Hell can answer her questions about the intruder.

When the Archdemon of Gluttony had furiously barged in his 'Pleasure Room' looking for him, not once did he address Luna at all.

He fired his interrogations at the demon servant instead of her.

Luna felt like air.

She had asked Ravin what was wrong, feigning her innocence, but he just pursed his lips and shook his head in response, telling her that she need not poke her nose to where it didn't belong.

Crossing her arms around her blanket-covered chest, Luna narrowed her eyes at him in suspicion.

Ravin was hiding something Luna didn't know.

Scowling at him, they had a petty argument, all of them she couldn't recall, but she was diverting the subject from anything related to the intruder.

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