
Resolve the Last Root

"So you are the ruler who just died in your own domain. I know you only told Elysia half of your factual plans. Tell us everything now." Xero looked the newcomer up and down.

"Fufu, it was my carelessness while researching ruins from another dimension. Who would have thought the Council would go so far as to injure me for the sake of that God Game." Earth Mother covered her mouth and went to sit on the sofa casually.

"Hm, you never said the God Game would be a waste since the Earth Realm was sealed. It would have been much easier for us to demoralize them if you had told us earlier." Nell sighed and shook her head.

"..." Elysia took the opportunity to check the Earth Mother's status screen.

<| 223 Lv. | Earth Mother Gaia Female (N A) HP: 9,557,200 11,676,500 EP: 858,100 1,156,300>

<| 43 67 169 234 STR: | AGI: VIT: INT:>

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