
Clashes Amidst Fierce Thunderstorm (4)

<| 199 Lv. | Accursed Ruvoid Emperor Whalehemoth HP: 5,220,100 24,121,600 EP: 34,500 854,200>

<| 9 99 199 999 STR: | AGI: VIT: INT:>

Elysia checked the biggest horned whale status screen and heaved a subtle sigh. She knew that Oceanid had a grudge against that massive creature, but she hoped he wouldn't act stupid when the five-minute time limit was up.

"What took him so long? Big sister already handled the smaller ones, and the weaker monsters couldn't get close to him either, though?" Nell folded her arms while grumbling.

"Hm, the Whalehemoth has a special defense with an insane amount of vitality. It's not easy to eliminate them, especially since we only use minimal magic here. We will all be at a disadvantage if the Whalehemoth releases their ultimate attack." Rhea heaved a subtle sigh and glanced down.

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