
The Station Force

(A/N: Update on the thief case: Well, the guy was crazy so he was admitted to a mental hospital or something like that, as for the ticket, I managed to prove my point that I don't give a fuck about anyone in my house(or my GF house) and I'm 100% willing to beat a thief if I want. Legally ain't right like in the States. In Romania, you don't really have the right to beat someone without having trouble with the police, but in my case, the guy tried to slash me with a white weapon which is illegal which means that I was in right to defend myself. Bonus: We got a nice compensation from the thief family.

Bonus x2: My GF's father yelled at me for dirtying his baseball bat when he found about what happened. The fucker knew that his daughter will be fine and instead he almost jumped in a fight for his fucking baseball bat. Don't get me wrong, the guy is cool as hell. The first time I met him he looked at me and asked me one question. If I get the question right he will accept me as a potential in-law. He walked in front of me and asked me: Wine, vodka, or beer with a poker face. I like all of these drinks, but Vodka and beer are the most common drinks for a student. I told him that I like Vodka and beer and if he has some. The guy laughed and took me to the living room to drink vodka with him)

Tip: Don't drink with a Half-Russian or a Russian that likes drinking alcohol.)

Hershel: So, can someone tell me why does he have a bear cub?

Otis: Eric found the little one and the cub treat him like a mother, I think.

Hershel: What are you going to do with the cub?

Eric: Raise him?! He's pretty cute and from what I know a Kodiak bear will grow to be as big as a car.

Hershel: Kodiak? And how in the name of god will you feed him?

Eric: Vegetables and fish maybe? I mean, he can eat almost anything. It won't be hard to find some dog or cat food to feed him.

Hershel: Your problem. How much did you find?

Eric: We cleaned the place of anything useful. That bus is full of medical supplies and equipment. Plus the other things that we found like food and water or the benches, cabinets, or refrigerators.

Hershel: Good, how will we split the loot?

Eric: How much do need? Or what do you need from what we got?

Hershel: Some pills and maybe some surgery equipment in case something bad happens. Maybe a cabinet or two.

Eric: Ok then. We will take of this tomorrow. We plan to stay for at least three more days before we return to our place.

When I entered Beth's room, she kidnaped the poor cub from me and hug it. After she hugged the little cub for a while she finally let him go and the cub stood near me. I begin to tell her what happens and how I found the little one. When she found that I didn't even name the cub, she almost struggled me to death before I surrender. I even gave her the right to name the cub and after an hour of brainstorming, she named the bear Jorah. As for Jorah himself, well, he slept the whole conversation and only wake up when he smelled the milk that I prepared for him.

I cuddled again with Beth, while Jorah was sleeping in an improvised bed made from pillows and a blanket.

The next day, I woke up, when Beth's mother, Annette, knocked on the door for us to get up and come to eat breakfast.

After I ate breakfast, I, Jon, Hershel, and Andre begin to sort the loot.

Unfortunately, four hours in sorting the loot, my walkie talkie gave us one bad piece of news. Olivia, Lee, and Tanaka were kidnapped by some gang in Atlanta. From what Ace told me, our people were kidnapped by some Mexican guys. Paul and Andrew decided to gather a group to storm the place to rescue our people, but they decided to contact me first as the leader of the group. When I heard what happened, I informed Jon about the situation, and after I told Hershel that we have a problem back at our base, we left in a hurry.

When we arrived at the Station, it was already past 17:00 and the sun was going down.

Andrew: Eric, we decided to storm the place with the tank. Me, Paul, Ace, Amanda, Kenny, and Lily will go while the rest will lock down the Station and wait for us to return.

Eric: I'm coming too. I won't stay and wait while my friends are in danger.

Jon: Same here. I will give you guys support from distance. You won't have to worry about zombies or any enemy that will shot you from the building.

Paul: That's good then. We know where they took them as they weren't really stealthy about it.

Eric; That's good then. Arm yourselves and let's go save our people.

Half an hour later, all of us were ready to fight. I, Ace and Jon took the Humvee while the rest will drive in or on the tank towards the gang 's place. Now we don't know how many of them are there, but one HE(High Explosive shell) will take care of them.

When we arrived at the place, we found that it was a place where old people where staying before the zombies appear. Jon was already giving us cover from a building he found that has a good view of the enemy base.

Maybe we won't have to fight, gangs don't usually stay in a place where old people were living and I'm pretty sure that they are taking care of the old people that survived the initial phase of the apocalypse.

When Andrew drove the tank in front of the building, Jon confirmed that several men were looking at us from the windows inside the building. Well, you have to understand that, unless you have some sort of rocket launcher, you won't be able to take down a tank that won't go close to your position.

I walked beside the tank and looked right at one of the windows Jon told me had the most amount of people looking through.

Eric: How are we going to do this? Will you free our friends or should we free them ourselves?

I decide to wait for a while, to at least give some time to think about the consequences of fighting a tank.

After ten more awkward minutes, a Mexican man exits the building.

Guillermo: Name's Guillermo. We have every right to take your friend's lives.They killed four of my brothers before we captured them.

Eric: I don't think you understand your situation amigo. I don't think my people will kill your guys without a good motive.

Guillermo:We were scavenging for supplies when three people with a van start shooting at us killing four of my men. They left quickly after ike nothing happened and then was the moment we found your people.We had to kill a bunch of zombies to escape from that place.

Eric: Are you sure, that you don't have any enemies left alivethat would do that? First things first, we don't steal from others. Most of my people are soldiers or police officers and we know how hard it is to survive in this world. The second reason, if we would have attacked you guys, we would have done with the tank and with a gang-style attack. Think about it one more time and then give me your answer.

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