
First steps to conquer the world and the killing joke

I had landed on Earth sixteen years ago.

But the planet I landed was by no means accurate to what Dc's timeline usually was.

I was born in the 90s, with all its music and movies reminiscent from that era.

PlayStation was about to rule the video game industry.

Alongside its uneven American competitor.

I had the chance of re-watching stuff I had previously only heard about.

I never really thought "old movies" were something that I would enjoy.

But man, how glad I was in being wrong.

I was born in the late 90s back in my first life so much of the stuff older folks would talk about just flew over my head but I get it now.

Funny how I haven't forgotten these details.

Back then, when I was already in my twenties, I had the pleasure of streaming everything from my home.

And even sometimes watching stuff through questionable means.

Dots was really interested in assimilating information but felt really frustrated for not understanding the concept of creativity.

I mean, in my opinion, creativity is more related to our capacity of merging already established concepts into what resembles being something new.

But that's just me.

Let me rephrase that, that's just my advanced intellect and magical wisdom.

My public identity was that of Patrick Wayne, the son of the most wealthy and well regarded couple in Gothic Metropolis who was raised as an aristocrat, genius level intellect in school and did amazingly well in sports.

My parents made solid proof facts of my blood relation to them.

Mind altering magic made my true origin even a secret to them.

Oh, of course after recently dethroning Ra's Al Ghul and assuming the title of Dark Knight, I took control over all other significant crime organizations of mercenaries in the business.

The leaders were branded by a slave inscription I knew from my magical form.

Not just the leaders, but I made theirs henchmen fight one another to earn the chance of joining the League of Assassins.

Now, my goals are set on the court of owls.

Being the ruler of the League of Shadows, I was granted access to Lazarus' Pit, and I took some to further study it.

With my magical wisdom, I could easily understand what its composition and effect were, but my main goal was to turn it into a useful asset to use.

Ra's might had desired that I took his daughter as my wife, but he should have done that when he actually had the power to do so.

Not that he actually could back then, but it would be at least more logical.

Now, I had the entire League under my control, be it through simple loyalty, a small charm to make them more obedient or simply my slave curse that strip them from actual free will.

I wasn't hated by them, as a matter of fact, I was slowly becoming a living god in their minds.

Got rid of Ra's, took his favorite daughter and best assassin as my own body guards to guard me publicly.

I mean, of course I wouldn't stay hidden this far from civilization forever.

I visited Lena Luthor in one of her parties in Europe and met some interesting characters.

Met Doctor Jonathan Crane during his time studying abroad. He was five years older than me.

Got his attention by baiting him with philosophical discussions about fear and some scientific applications of it.

Basically I offered him a place in my company as soon as I took charge of it.

John Henry Irons and Ray Palmer were interesting fellas.

We've already met in Gothic Metropolis, but now they were beginning their journey to study and become the genius engineer and physicist each one respectively.

Silver St Cloud was a childhood friend, and we became a little more than that during our meetings in Paris.

Just like I did with Lara Croft and Helena Bertinelli in London and Italy respectively as well.

They are all definitely hot, but weren't that much interesting beyond that.

At least to my standards.

Such a shame.

Hopefully my super serum project will aid me in that regard. There's a bunch of characters that I wish to make use of.

Kept contact with Thomas Elliot and Oswald Cobblepot. Sharing some fake information about my travels in order to cement our relationship.

I also befriended Harvey Dent, but his lack of social status kept him a little far from my inner circle of "friends".

Same could be said of the introverted Edward Nigma.

Though that should probably change after they join my company. The invitation had already been given if I'm not mistaken.

Though Harvey's problem definitely wasn't the same as Oliver Queen's. But for now, he still is just a useless playboy.

Better wait the proper moment to introduce him to my League.

That reminds me, gotta meet Dinah. Wanna hear her singing a song for me.

I didn't really care for minor characters like Gordon and Alfred.

Who by the way, the latter was serving the Luthor's.

Yeah, crazy isn't it?

Regardless, I still kept tabs on that type of people just to make sure.

My priority for now were the heroes and villains that I knew from my previous life.

Being Superman, I was glad to have befriended the Luthors.

And with Brainiac being Dots, I might probably check it out of my high alert list as well.

My advanced mind didn't allow me to forget about beings like Doomsday and Darkseid.

Unfortunately for now, I lacked the proper technology to investigate them.

That would leave me with General Zod and his crew.

But I plan to soon check them out of my list as well.

Vandal Savage being the next similar to Ra's was being tracked. In this reality he ruled as a king in a small country in Europe.

Might one day pay him a visit with my League's best men and women.

That reminds me, Slade Wilson and Bane had just received an invitation from my assassins. Surely the promises of challenge and riches will have been more than enough to convince both gentlemen.

Amanda Waller was in fact not fat, so I guess some seductive words from Patrick Wayne should be enough to make some kind of deal for the future.

Falcone is currently trying to befriend my parents, I guess he has become desperate after my constant attacks on his business.

Black Mask and Simon Stagg will sell their properties to my League.

Floyd Lawton is being offered the work of his life. His daughter was a weakness in more ways than expected.

Meta-humans like Killer Croc and King Shark received the same offer. Probably some Slave curses will be needed to help them make the right choice.

Unfortunately the current satellites were still too primitive for Dots to actually pinpoint Themyscira island or Atlantis.

Probably after I take charge of my family's company I will be able to enhance ours.

Though I could just conjure a portal straight to their location, but I'd rather take my time and prepare multiple contingency plans before venturing there.

For now, as I already stated, space outside my current planetary system was still not in my reach.

But just like the magical realms and dimensions, I will be ready if the need arises.

That reminds me, Black Adam is probably on his.

Just like Bruce Wayne once did, I went to Giovanni Zatara and trained escapology. Not actually for the skill, but to have some time with young Zatanna.

She is very energetic, but also pleasant to be around.

It's never too much to have friends like her.

Back to my plans.

I really desire to have a wining strategy against time travelers and possibly a visit from Mr. Mxyzptlk.

Still working on that.

The Justice League's usual members were also under my meticulous observation.

Barry Allen and Victor Stones were about to finish their high school.

Guess I'll still have to wait for the speedforce, but if it's the case, I'll definitely assume ownership over the mother box.

Hal Jordan and John Stewart were beginning their careers in the Air forces and Marine.

No ring for now as well.

Arthur and Diana... I already talked about them. Though Arthur haven't met with Vulko for a while now and Diana wasn't found in my research.

Don't tell me she still haven't left the island?!

Well, at least I might be her first.

Now, I was about to return home. When I returned to Gothic Metropolis, I was already sixteen.

My parents were mostly pleased to have me back and we spent a lot of time together to compensate my four years absence.

Man, that really went by too quickly didn't it?

As I talked with father, I told him that I wished to learn how to lead the families business and help as much as I could.

He wholeheartedly agreed and said he would make the arrangements as soon as possible.

Mother still loved the peace and tranquillity from the manor, but also enjoyed the multiple parties that she and father were invited.

Her work hadn't changed yet, but I could already see signs of her craving for more adventure.

Father told me he planned to travel with her around the world, but that would take some time.

Probably a few years from now.

About Wayne Enterprises.

As I was already familiar with the place, I decided to make my mark firstly with the technology department.

Me and Lucious spent days brainstorming about my projects and how we could best produce them.

Not even one year later, and we were on the forefront of technological advancements and innovations in the world.

Even if I ignored my family and my criminal money, did you knew that the pressure in a tight grip of mine was enough to form diamonds from the necessary materials.

While I still didn't wanted to mess with Atlantis, my x-ray vision allowed me to recover treasures from sunken ships littered all through the ocean.

The products I introduced to the market were well beyond our time.

Though nothing too radical yet, just massive advancements to move the technology of the world along, pushing it in its path to reach the future.

And so I did the next best thing, charity.


I was especially focused on Third World countries, reaching in their untapped market and investing in their potential.

Offering the population work on construction, energy, entertainment, manufacturing, mining, oil and other fields.

I would periodically introduce technologies to these countries to make sure that they would have the needed tools to better their lives.

And to also serve me.

All over the world my subsidiaries organizations, alongside with my League, worked to make the world a better place.

I was already a hero worldwide known as Patrick Wayne.

Oh, I wasn't shying away from the media, in fact my face was almost everywhere.

They called me the visionary, the youth of tomorrow, the smartest man alive.

My age on paper was 17, but thanks to my genes and my exposure to a yellow sun, I looked to be in my mid-twenties.

I had a large strong build.

Muscles decorated my whole being, not to the point of my Shazam form, but I was above and beyond the average human.

After studying more in depth my physiology, I learned that my body will normally progress to adulthood but after that aging would steeply slow to a crawl from there.

The next years I effectively assumed charge of Wayne Enterprises, and I made sure it has been slowly expanding and solidifying it's reach in other sectors.

It was rapidly growing into a diverse international conglomerate with interests in utilities, waste management, industrial manufacturing, computer hardware and software, chemicals, retail, bioengineering, weapons...

Wait, let me breathe...

Pharmaceuticals, oil, communications, airlines, real estate, hotels, restaurants, technology, media, financial services, robotics, security, transportation...

Almost finished...

satellites, stock brokerage houses, cash businesses, space exploration and food.

All of that also provided to strengthen the influence of my League, as I dethroned any crime boss or organization after my company made a home in their territory.

The PR I received was that my company was incorruptible and beneficial to everyone around it.

I could hear the joyous laughter and cries of people all through earth, knowing that I made some difference in the balance was a really good feeling if I was being honest.

The regular folk trusted me.

The world adored me.

I was happy that I could cause such a change while also becoming filthy rich and famous.

Me and my family were basically sanctified.

Two thirds of the population of Gothic Metropolis worked for my company directly or indirectly.

The gloomy nature of the city was visibly changing by my own hands.

Now, after some interesting information, I had to devote myself to deal with something.

Making sure it never bothers me was a priority.

And some sadistic pleasure I've acquired after my first "interrogation".


In one of the dungeons of my pocket dimension, I looked at the joker who was now just a bag of skin and bones.

He doesn't even laugh anymore.

How sad.

And yes, in this reality, Batman wasn't the one responsible for this maniac's creation.

"Wakey-Wakey!" I said in a cold tone enough to start his brain.

His eyes shot open in fear and he hysterically crawled away, his breath turned ragged, tears poured out of his open eyes.

The joker was truly afraid.

He had gone through the worst nightmares ever invented, he regained his sanity and lost it so many times over the course of the many 'Sessions' he had with this man.

He wondered if his victims felt the fear he did now.

The gut wrenching fear, that caused cold sweat to permeate his body.

The terror that caused him to shake and tremble.

The nightmare before his very eyes, the devil in human skin.

In all his life he had never prayed harder for a quick death.

But what came instead was a shadowy figure, his voice a cold reminder of his unnatural existence.

It caused the joker to ball up, tucking his head deeper into his knees.

"Hello Mr. J. Oh... what's the problem? You look like a joke without punchlines. Are you having another bad day? And I thought I completed you." The man said with a sick glee in his voice that caused the joker to flinch.

"I'm sure you're wondering what'll be today. The immortal flaying? No, too messy. Godly voltage? Too out-of-date. Heh, get it? Noncurrent!

No, today my dear prince of crime. Today you are set free" The joker snapped his head at his nightmare in shock.

Was he really going to be set free, was he going to see the skies again.

Was he going to be able to breathe fresh air and feel things other than pain.

Joker himself wasn't stupid, he knew such thoughts were far from the reality of his situation.

But he had to hope.

Heh, that actually is... pretty funny.

"Free from life! And as you already know, I do have the guts for that kind of fun." The devil stated.

Joker's eyes widened in terror.

He turned to beg, he kneeled and tried to speak through his aching throat.

He wanted to beg for another chance, he would never harm a living soul if he could just be given another chance.

"You want to beg? You want another chance?"

He nodded at the words of the monster.

"I'm sure your victims begged the same way. I'm sure all those children cried just like you are now. Imagine all the murders I'll be preventing by making this your final day."

The joker trembled.

"Didn't you want me to hit you? Beat you until my knuckles bled? I didn't kill you before because you were just having too much fun... but now...look at you!" His torturer said.

Joker raised his head, he heard the familiar, terrible sound, the feeling of heat emanating intensely from the creature's eyes.

Painting them a sinister red, the gaze of death. Just like it once did with the colder bluish light.

Joker thought he was face to face with fear personified, he thought that man was the devil.

Joker opened his mouth to scream but a beam of red engulfed his form, all he felt was heat.

The joker turned to ash as did the ground below him before it magically repaired itself.

"My magic and my supervision allows me to see souls." The dark figure said as he raised his head, stared at thin air and shot beams out of his eyes.

But these beams were transparent.

An ethereal mass in the visage of the joker appeared and began to burn.

"AAAHHHHH!" The ethereal visage released a shrill scream impossibly loud.

The joker's very own soul was not spared from his ruthlessness.

And thus was the death of a clown.



*Hope this chapter is of your liking. Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Not sure when I'll actually finish writing my update chapter. But in that auxiliary chapter, I still plan to address some of my plans for the future of this story.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

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