
Chapter 1269 – Matter

Gravis only chuckled loudly as he appeared inside his room.

The room still hadn't changed. It was still the same room as when Gravis had been only a little kid.

Novels of different fantasy stories were at one of the cabinets on the side, and a couple of toys were strewn across the ground.

Gravis didn't have any emotional reaction to his room. He had been here a couple of times, and he had gotten used to it by now.

Gravis walked over to his old bed and sat down. Gravis' weight had reached unfathomable heights by now, but the bed didn't even creak.

Then, Gravis took out the first materials and experimented with them.

He combined gasses, made them explode, made them enter strange pieces of wood, and he did all kinds of different things.

Master Linus had given Gravis a ton of Pure Materials but also a ton of Complex Materials. Gravis had enough to combine them and experiment with them however he wanted.

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