
Chapter 14


I was so nervous to speak with him, he had been through a lot, I'm pretty sure he wanted to take that to his grave, but I put so much effort in finding out, and he won't have to wear that emotionless face around me any more.

I climbed the ladder and went in, I was met with papers everywhere around him, he was drawing again, he is so talented though, but his drawings ain't encouraging.

I cleared my throat making my presence noticeable, not like he cared, he just kept drawing.

I stood there for a long moment just thinking of what to say, should I rush? Or not?

"T.H.E.M, The Hidden Enemy of Man. Right?" I knew he would react to that, I've seen it on one of his drawings.

He stopped drawing but his head remained bow.

"THEM the whispering voices, they ones telling you to do stuffs you don't wanna do, your demons, the ones who killed your brother and mother and -"

"How did you know?" He got up brutally, his piercing gray eyes piercing through mine. I was speechless by his sudden action, I wasn't expecting him to react like this.

"You spy on me right? Who asked you to do it? Why did you do it?" He took dangerous steps towards me, his voice held great fury.

I back off, "no one asked me, I just want to help."

"You can't help me! Not like I'm asking!"

"Yes you asked." I pointed at his journal.

He pulled his brows together, in a dangerous manner, "you weren't suppose to look in that! And I wrote that when I was a kid, I didn't understand!" Now I know why the handwriting was so in mature.

"Understand what? You did understood, Elie, you needed help and you still need help."

He ran his fingers furiously through his hair, "I don't need any fucking help!" He snapped.

"Yes you do! Stop been so pessimistic about your life! There's a solution! exorcism does exist!" I stare back at him with no atom of fear. I wanted to help him even if I have to slap him across the face for him to understand.

He chuckled sarcastically, "exorcism, huh? I went through fifty different fucking exorcism sections, in different damn churches but none could take THEM out! Do you know what happened to those nuisance who call themselves priest during the exorcism?" I shook my head.

"They were all hospitalized with terrible injuries! Some died while others are still in the comma till today! And I almost died in each of the sections!"

I was stunned by this sudden information, "I -I—"

"Is just impossible Christy! What don't you understand in that word?!"

"There must be a solution some where! Some how! It can't be the end! They already took your brother and your mother, they cause your father to hate you and -"

"Stop it!" He yelled. But I wasn't ready to stop yet, I had to finish expressing the words in my heart, before I can even think of stopping.

"I know how it feels, Elie, all the abuse, everything, I -"

"You know nothing! Christy! Absolutely nothing!" He cut me off. "If you knew you wouldn't have done what you did, hacking in my files!"

"H-how did y-you know?" I stutter from the shock.

"By so doing you're making things worse."

I took some steps closer, so we were just inches away, "this is not the end of you, there are other ways, the Bible, Jesus,"

"Fuck him!" He snarled, "don't give me false hope, you and your damn god can't stop this, he can't stop the voices at night, he can't stop the pains, he can't change the past or wipe away my memories, he can't stop THEM and you can't! he doesn't even care! Why did he allow this to happen to me if he does? What have I done wrong to him, to anyone? I just wanted to be happy to have a mum, a dad, a brother, a family like every other kids! is it too much to ask?!" A stray of tear ran down his cold cheek, he roughly wipe it with the back of his palm.

"Elie -"

"Don't persist!" He interrupted me once again, I was frustrated about his refusal and constant negativity! I wasted time finding out about him! I tortured myself over him, why won't he listen to what I've got to say and let me help!

"WILL YOU LET ME SAY SOMETHING! I'm tired of your pessimistic mood! You're just sixteen! You've got a lot to live! Why back off now?! Won't you fight? I don't know why I'm so obsess with you! I could've just pass you by and forget about your crap! I spent days and hours trying to know what was going on behind those eyes, your story! and this is how you're saying thanks? By pushing me off!"

"I never asked you to do that! You were the one who won't stop chasing me and bringing him along! I'm fucking tired of YOU!" He yelled while kicking the table, then the closet and punching the walls.

When he turn to stare at me I flinched, I was scared. The words of Maria Teresa and Sheila sank in my thoughts. He was aggressive anything could happen.

His face soften at my reaction, I saw hurt flashed in his cold eyes, he looked away, "I wouldn't hurt you, even if I can." He mumbled.

"I know what you did to the dog and cat, I know everything! You don't want help, I don't see any reason why I should stay here anymore. you seem to enjoy the abuse and torments. God! I was just a fool I don't know why I even cared about you, you don't want anyone to, I get it! You can remain a freak like you always wanted without the obsessive girl chasing you around! Fine, I'm cool, you'll never see me again! I'll stop been your shadow and... and just let you live!" I climbed down from the tree and got out of the woods not looking behind me.

Truly I was a fool, why did I even care? Isn't he just a random guy? Well he is not rather he is a freak who loves pain and won't try to get out of it. I guess he can be happy now that I'm gone, I'll never go back there, ever again!

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