
The meeting of the faithful (2) - Enough!


That was the reason they threw away caution and followed paths known to bring destruction. But that is not their greatest folly. 

That would be their hubris. Pride and confidence without any basis for its existence. 

That they believe they might find a way that GAIA had not. 

Indeed, it is not impossible. GAIA was willing to concent as much. 

However, there was one massive point they missed. Though, the blame for this cannot be placed solely on them. GAIA was also liable. After all, they had used Eldrian to bring forth a change to the very structure of planet Earth. 

When Eldrian formed a path between the two realities, it had given the duality creator god the opportunity—and the tool required. The only way to change the structure of an entire world is with the power of time or space. And Eldrian, as it would have it, had the former.

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