
Chapter 7

It still didn't birth any excuse for how hardheaded the man was and how abusive he had grown over the years. It felt as though he was getting worse and Vukan's life was slowly becoming a misery festering and affecting other aspects of his livelihood. 

"On a more positive note, is there a chance we can celebrate your achievement?" Oliver asked, getting tired of having to deal with the issues bugging Vukan. 

He wanted a better mood and brighter air around them. While it was only natural to have Vukan acting the way he did, he still expected more and some measure of change when he got to his house and through their drive down. 

"I don't want to drink again. I can still feel the one from last night swirling in my system", Vukan confessed. 'I can have ice-cream though, if you're buying". 

For the first time since they met, he donned a smile and a rather weak one too. Oliver didn't care; he was happy to see the brightened expression on his face. 

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