
chapter 19

Vukan felt nervous while he looked around the table, unsure of what would transpire or how things would eventually pan out. He could feel the burning gaze of Oliver's sister's best friend, Tanya, boring into him from where she sat. The African-American girl with lengthy black hair and a ribbon tied around the end to help keep it in shape just couldn't help herself.

Amongst everyone around the tale, Tanya's gaze was the most troubling. Her Dark-rimmed eyes and seriously couldn't go away from Vukan and irrespective of how much he was doing his best to dodge her gaze, she was persistent as hell. Asides her, others seated around the table seemed rather cool.

As agreed, Oliver and Vukn had decided to hang out with some of their friends. Vukan had brought Jae and Alicia along and done his best to brief them on everything that had happened right from the start. He also figured Alicia would be able to keep Jae in line should he get himself drunk or begin to misbehave under the influence of excessive alcohol.

Oliver had brought up the idea, but Vukan had spoken of his discontent and worry that things might flare up between their friends.

'I don't think bringing your sister over would help, considering what happened with her boyfriend", he confessed while they shared a rather peaceful moment together by the lake.

Ever since their episode at the hotel, they had been in constant communication and even managed to go out on a couple of occasions without the previous anonymity they had between themselves.

"Come on… this is the best way to solve all these issues and for me to get to know your friends", Oliver pleaded. "More so, my sister is my best friend and has always had my back through anything".

Vukan had reluctantly agreed, and didn't quite expect the turnout to be as accepted as it had been.

In bid to have the best possible time they could, Vukan and Oliver had opted for a pub which had the best karaoke in town. People danced in the background while the waiter served their meal within minutes. Everyone had gone for the same thing to build their bonding spirits, while Sofia slowly walked back from what felt like forever since her visit to the bathroom.

"You're sitting beside Vukan", Oliver pointed out as he had hurriedly switched seats with his sister when she got up to ease herself.

Sofia didn't look particularly pleased about the change but managed a weak smile before Vukan hurried up to help her with her seat.

"What a gentleman", Alicia teased before sharing a laugh with everyone except Tanya.

Vukan assumed his seat, feeling sweaty all over, even though he was wearing a light colored tee shirt with its buttons pulled down to reveal his inner vest. The air around the table seemed rather thick before Oliver reached out to serve everyone. The next few minutes would be silent, odd and bewildering, as nobody seemed intent on talking.

Vukan looked around and felt his stomach churn with discomfort. Sitting beside Sofia wasn't as easy as he had assumed it would be, since it was the plan Oliver had scripted out before they arrived.

"But I want to sit beside you,'' Vukan had protested.

Oliver had tilted his head to the side and replied, "You can have all the time you need with me during karaoke, but you and my sister are patching things up tonight".

It seemed like it would be easier said than done and regardless of whatever apology he had or hoped to tender, there was someone else fighting Sofia's battle in the room and that was Tanya.

Vukan, slowly rose to his feet and leaned into the tale. "I understand there is a lot of tension and unsaid words right now between one or more of us in here".

Everyone stopped eating to listen to him as he spoke.

"I would like to use this medium to tender my sincerest apologies to Sofia for the manner in which I acted when we first met", Vukan apologized shyly. "I had no idea about the construct of things and I would never set out to hurt anyone or damage their relationship for any reason whatsoever".

Jae and Alicia clapped their hands, while Oliver soon joined them with the exception of Sofia and Tanya, who seemed rather intent on not joining in on the occasion. They continued to shoot Vukan blank stares, while Tanya's was particularly laced with some measure of disdain. They forced the apologetic boy to lower his gaze as he struggled with his food.

Alicia cleared her throat and leaned over to speak with Jae. "I thought this was a peace gathering for both parties to get along?"

"Yes, but I don't think they are interested in forgiving Vukan", Jae replied

Oliver caught some of the words and decided to speak up for his friend. "I know things are heated between you guys, but can you please forgive him?"

Sofia shook her head and declined the offer immediately without thinking about it. Vukan could understand she was pained and angry with him but he had apologized and her actions were threatening to make their hangout boring.

"I need some fresh air, please", Vukan excused himself as he got to his feet and headed off immediately.

He raced out of the room and into the parking lot where he spotted Oliver's car and decided to lean against it.

"How stupid was I to believe she wasn't going to pick offence with me? I shouldn't have come here today. I should just have cancelled while I had the time and chance", he lamented endlessly.

Asides having his ego bruised when he apologized, he could not stand the fact that he most likely had Oliver's sister to contend with if they were to be together. While he blamed her to a good extent, he blamed himself for carrying out the stupid action of kissing Brad the other night.

"I wish that night never even existed", he mumbled out loud. "I fucked up good… I really fucked up and I deserve all what's happening to me right now".

The fact his relationship and closeness with Oliver was on the line, hurt him so much.

"Well, you don't necessarily have to beat yourself up for it alone", the distinct and rather low pitched voice tore through from behind.

Vukan turned around cautiously to watch Sofia holding a bottle of bourbon as she approached.

She held it out to him and said, "Well, I wasn't expecting tonight to be easy and I sure as hell wasn't going to make it an easy one for you either".

After watching her continue to hold the bottle of liquor to his face for the next minute, he received it, took a subtle sip and returned it to her.

"I didn't entirely blame you about Brad", Sofia said. "I knew what kind of dog he was from the start, but I just never really willed myself to want to believe it".

She handed him the drink again and he took a better sip from it this time around.

"I was going through a tough time around that period and I wanted to fight for my relationship at all costs necessary", Sofia explained. "It wasn't the best moment for me when I saw you two kissing, but it became the right one for my sanity and peace of mind".

They shared some more sips from the bottle intermittently while nobody seemed intent on saying anything yet.

"I am truly sorry", Vukan said.

Sofia nodded her head while she looked up and stared right back at him. "I knew you were from the moment it happened I recognize a man in pain just as myself, but I couldn't quite forgive you for not apologizing there and then".

Vukan could barely remember what he did in that moment or whether or not he apologized.

"I forgave you from the moment Oliver explained what you did for him at the bridge", Sofia cackled slightly. "We have no pending issues and everything in there tonight was all for laughs".

He couldn't believe his ears but he felt glad that they had managed to patch things up though.

"Are you guys done making out or what!? Alicia and Tanya are going at it over here!" Jae screamed from the door while he waved the duo over.

Vukan raced after Sofia who had the head start. He wondered what had ignited the ladies into whatever they were doing and hoped they wouldn't have done much damage before they got there.

"Shit!' he cursed underneath his breath as they raced back.


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