
The Feast (1)

Cherry blossom trees bloomed under the moon, beautifying this season's banquet. The open area was filled with sweet fragrance coming from the lit lanterns placed around the place, providing additional radiance along with the natural moonlight to everyone.

Within the venue of the feast, a provided stage for performance walled with a low foundation was placed in the middle. Low tables were on the elevated floor that surrounded it and each table was given a soft cushion where they could sit.

One low table, however, was prominently placed on the opposite side of the stair entrance, laid with red silk tablecloth embroidered of gold lines, provided with two soft cushions for the king and his queen.

The people of the harem that slowly occupied the place were dressed in their most polished clothes and dazzling pieces of jewelry. Entering one after another along with their court ladies behind them as they took their seats in accordance with their ranks.

Three nearest seats from the king were for the grand noble consort, noble consort and the grand concubine—the rest of the seats given were for the lowest ranks, which were the concubines.

Soft giggles echoed through the area as they started greeting each other; some were offering their hands and giving hugs while the others chose to remain seated at the tables.

"Oh, how I love the spring banquet. It is always held at the garden of the palace," cheered the woman whose seat was nearest to the king's table.

"Autumn and winter banquets are amazing too, Grand Consort Cha4." 

"I know, Grand Concubine Jin2. But what I just said, spring banquet is my favorite," the grand consort retorted back. 

"I don't like the spring, it's windy. I prefer the other two since they are held under the roof."

Hearing this comment, the grand consort could not help but laugh. "Ha-ha. Your bestowed name doesn't suit you, Noble Consort Yon3." 

"Ha… I really love spring." The grand consort clasped her hands and brought them on one side of her face, watching how the leaves of the cherry blossom trees danced around while being driven by the breeze. "This season's banquet, everyone is beautiful as always too," she commented.

"Forgive me, but I disapprove of your opinion, Grand Consort. One particular lady is making my eyes water in dryness," the grand concubine objected.

"Don't start it, Grand Concubine Jin." The grand consort lowered her hands on the table.

"During the banquet, everyone in the harem should dress wonderfully with high efforts and not partially done like she is still ignoring His Majesty."

The grand concubine was making a scene again; all the ladies in the harem apprehended this, for she was the only one capable of doing it. And normally, her scene would soon end drastically, making the noble consort simply yawned in boredom.

"Hm, perhaps she will soon meet her end. You know, for her incapability as a concubine1 and continuing to disregard His Majesty? Please correct me if I'm wrong, Concubine Eun." Bringing a finger on her cheek, she fluttered her eyelashes innocently. 

The noises from the banquet died down when she finished her spats. Who would want to be part of her ruckus? 

The banquet remained quiet not after someone broke the disturbing silence of the place. "I agree with Grand Concubine Jin."

A woman in her red dress embroidered with gold patterns entered as she speaks. Purposely not announcing her arrival, for she anticipated that someone in the harem would make a scene once again.

"We welcome Her Majesty, the Queen." The people of the harem hurriedly stood from their seats and greeted her in unison as they bowed down to the queen.

"Concubine Eun is the daughter of a well prestigious clan. Although they stood second to the high clans in our kingdom, the Du Clan is known to exceed in intelligence and had shared history with the first king. Their skills and strength are what's needed the most under military engagements."

Ignoring them, the woman took her seat on the presented table, then continued to ask a question. "Why don't you tell me, Grand Concubine Jin? How is your clan doing?"

Edited 9.10.2020


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