
Chapter 2.9

I was so relieved to hear that the outcome of the fight ruling had somehow—miraculously—swung in my favor. Since, for quite a while, I'd been dreading the prospect of having to leave Irorishiro: With all those days I spent stress and worrying, as I waited to receive a final judgment...wondering what excuse I would cobble up to tell Mom and Dad, when I dragged myself back home…

Sure, it still weirds me out that I'm living among a whole school full of people turned into little girls—but it was seriously just beginning to feel like home! One which I wasn't ready to give up.

It was a cause for celebration! And in that sense, Ms. Alice had come already well-prepared:

"I ordered a couple of pizzas for us at the canteen, that we can chow on in one of the nicer simulations," she said, glancing back over her shoulder while the group of us three: myself, Miko, and Miki, was following her through the bustling school halls. "I hope you're all okay with pepperoni."

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