

Blazing sun reflected on the sharp edges of swords and spears shoe thudded on the dirty grass. Hammers held upon the shoulders of soldiers and bows had been clasped in the hands of shooters. The chorus thundered and boots thumped, shouting echoed and cursing spread—a man rode a white horse at the very front of the army, his hair green and eyes sharp. He was none other than renowned Tenth Elder Del Life. Behind him the horse cavalry and after that foot infantry and then heavy cavalry.

"Stop!" he commanded and soldiers complied and stopped at his order. Del peered far away but there was nothing other than broken tents and wild dogs that roamed around, trying to sniff out some leftovers. At this moment a man walked out behind the broken tents and fell on his knees. "My Lord!"

"Hmm," Dell said. "Do you know what those peasants are up to?"

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