
Shadow Bat

After talking with Uncle Goldward and Isobel, both Ayaan and Rebecca said their farewell.

Previously, Ayaan also talked about the shop he had rented from the chamber of commerce. However, when he asked them about the rent, Isobel said that he didn't need to pay the rent for this month. He could pay from next month.

Ayaan was more than happy by this offer, and he also realised by their actions that they also wanted to build a stable relationship with him.

They weren't stupid people; how could someone place something as precious as adamantine in the auction this easily? He must have some strong backing.

Furthermore, they also knew about the small fight inside the auction hall, and already confirmed that Ayaan and Hellshard were the two who fought in the auction.

Although they didn't know how Ayaan was able to repel the attack of the Hellashard, they thought he must have some magic artefact with him which could release the attack with the similar power of a great mage.

It never crossed their mind that Ayaan could be a great mage. But it wasn't their fault either, because Ayaan was too young to become a great mage.

Although Emma, who was standing behind Ayaan, wanted to tell the truth. But she didn't get any chance to speak; she was just a small servant at this place.

Moreover, Emma could not speak about Ayaan in front of him. Who knows how he would react?

Therefore, she stayed quiet and waited for the meeting to over.

Nevertheless, Ayaan didn't care much about it. On the contrary, it would be even better if Isobel knew about his magic realm.

After realising about the exact strength of Ayaan, Isobel and Uncle Goldward would not let go of the chance to build a good relationship with such a young great mage.

Anyways, Ayaan and Rebecca arrived at their house after walking for more than ten minutes.

However, just Ayaan opened the door and entered inside the house, a dark shade as well dashed out from the outside. But it didn't attack them and just continued to circle the duo.

Rebecca looked at the dark shade with a surprised expression, and asked, "You sent the 'Shadow Bat' behind that man, didn't you?"

As she said, the shade slowly sat on the Ayaan's shoulder, and a clear image of a dark coloured bat appeared.

The size of the 'Shadow Bat' was tiny, even three to four shadow bats won't be able to compare with the regular bats in Ayaan's previous world(earth).

However, this small bat was a little peculiar. The death element, mixed with a shadow element, was continuously released from its body.

The shadow plane was one of the planes Ayaan had visited a few days ago. At that time, he encountered this 'Shadow Bat' in the shadow plane.

Although not powerful enough to hurt Ayaan, this shadow bat had given him lots of trouble in the shadow plane, because it had the skill to meld with the shadow.

Therefore, whenever Ayaan attacked the bat, it would disappear in the shadows. Moreover, there was no lack of shadows in the shadow plane.

After becoming frustrated, Ayaan decided to use a light element spell. Although it was just a basic mortal grade spell, it was enough to lighten up the area of the few hundred meters in the shadow plane.

Finally, when there was no shadow left for the bat to hide, Ayaan easily killed it. Later, he used his necromancer spell, 'Undead Rise' and made this bat his undead soldier.

Ayaan looked at Rebecca and replied, "How can I let someone go who dared to probe me with his soul power? What gall! I presume, if I weren't strong enough to repel his attack, he would attack us to snatch the treasures after the auction."

Rebecca heard and didn't say anything afterwards. It was a world where strong rules if you would show the weakness in front of your enemies that would be the most stupid thing you have ever done because it would increase the confidence of your enemy which could be fatal for you in the future.

However, always becoming the centre of attention also wasn't a good thing because the tallest tree would be the first to get cut.

At this time, both of them went inside their room while a shadow bat was still sitting on Ayaan's shoulder.

After arriving in the room, Ayaan placed the shadow bat on his hand, and the bat started to chirp in a birdy language, which only Ayaan could understand.

After whistling for more than five minutes, the bat finally fell silent. Eventually, Ayaan fell deep into silence and started to ponder.

Later, Ayaan looked at Rebecca, who was looking at him with a confused gaze.

Ayaan moved towards her and started to explain everything he had discovered. When she heard him, a visible shock appeared on her face.

She had never thought that the people in the capital were trying to conspire against the royal family.

At other times, she won't care about the matters of the royal family; however, she knew Ayaan wouldn't let anything happen to Noor, so she became worried when she heard about this.

Nevertheless, the night went, and dawn arrived.

Ayaan was the first to wake up; he needed to go to his shop and start his business from today. If he wanted to make the business big, then he had to work hard for it.

Afterwards, Ayaan turned towards the lady sleeping beside him with a beautiful smile hung at the corner of her lips.

"Mhmm.. Where are you touching? You devil.." She murmured while still sleeping.

When Ayaan heard her murmuring in sleep, a small chuckle left from his mouth, and shook his head. However, he didn't disturb Rebecca's sleep and went towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He had since long become accustomed to the cooking, and his culinary skills had already reached the level of a master chef.

Furthermore, the cooking skills of this world were relatively low.

They didn't have much knowledge of spices. The people of this world would just add salt and chilli in their food, and just like that food would be ready.

If it were sweets, they would just use sugar and milk or some more basic materials, but that was it.

When Ayaan was in the jungle living without the contact of the outside world, he had discovered many spices, which were almost similar to the spices of the earth. So, he started to use them in his cooking.

At first, even Noor was shocked when she tasted the roasted meat, which Ayaan had prepared for her.

After that, Rebecca wasn't any exception either. No one would say no to the delicious food.

Furthermore, after tasting the food cooked by Ayaan, Rebecca couldn't eat the food of this world anymore. So, the poor guy had to cook for her every day.

Nevertheless, after half an hour later, Ayaan walked out of the kitchen. When he entered the room, Rebecca was already awake.

"Good Morning!" Rebecca greeted him while still massaging her eyes with her soft hands.

"Good morning," Ayaan replied gently.

Thereupon, he walked towards her, while a small plate of bread was in his right hand and a small cup of tea in his left hand.

Rebecca looked at him and kissed at his cheek with her tender lips.

Ayaan smiled when he felt her lips on his cheek and passed the plate and cup to her before saying, "Alright, I am going to shop. You rest here."

As she heard, Rebecca turned toward Ayaan and blinked a few times and asked him with an excited voice, 'You mean, you are going to open the shop today!?"

"Yes, didn't I tell you yesterday?" Ayaan replied nonchalantly.

"Alright, let me finish. I will also go to the shop!" Rebecca replied and started to eat her breakfast without saying anything further.

Rebecca took an hour extra for getting ready. Ayaan was already accustomed to it. Therefore, he wanted to go to the shop alone, because he knew that she would take at least an hour to ready.

But she insisted; so he could only wait for her.

The duo finally exited the house and went towards the market place of the central area. Ayaan's shop was at that place.

"Hello sir, you want something? You can have high-quality items at low prices!"

"Twenty percent off, only for today! You won't get this type of offer in other shops!"

Just as Ayaan and Rebecca entered the market, the noisy environment greeted them. The servants at the entrance of different shops were shouting to attract customers.

Nonetheless, Ayaan and Rebecca ignored the servants who were trying to invite them to their shops.

After more five minutes later, the duo arrived in front of a shop. The shop was closed.

When other people around saw Ayaan standing in front of the shop, they turned to look at him with curious gazes.

All the shops at this market belonged to the nobles. Manager and workers were all hired by the noble families. It was rare to see a person who is not nobility but owned a shop in this market.

Previously, they had heard about the shop bought by a commoner who had just arrived in the capital, and no one had believed the rumour. However, now it seems the rumour wasn't false.

Howbeit they didn't know that Ayaan had just rented the shop. He didn't buy it.

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