
February 14, 2021: Valentine's

That might be the first time that Syn was allowing herself to cry. Too many things had happened within a short span of time, so it wouldn't be strange if she had gotten overwhelmed and exhausted from ceaselessly keeping her composure up. If there were instances that she had grieved over her situation, she felt guilty of them. 

The lady believed that she didn't have the right to feel sorry for herself alone. If anything, she viewed her moment of weakness as a sign that her resolve was weakening, even though that wasn't the case. She refused to be deterred from accomplishing her goals. However, as a human, she ought to understand that there would be instances in life that resting played a bigger role in success more than driving oneself to slavery. 

By the same token, whether one would be able to acknowledge that their mind and body were weary or not would be the deciding factor in achieving balance. And right now, Syn wasn't capable of doing that. 

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