
Murder of the 15th XIII


Levi sighed, he truly misses the redhead. He finds it troublesome at times having to dumb down for people. 

"But the attack, Rona, Mo!?" Marco asked the blond, confused at the revelation.

Levi rolled his eyes, why can't a man, considered to be intelligent in ordinary people's standard be incapable of putting 2 and 2 together? 

But then again, GP's are like the dullest kind of doctor. Can't be helped, Levi thought.

He turned to his friend, "Everything's real, Marco. The attack happened, the only lie in my statement was finding her dead in the tub. I did find her, but she wasn't dead. She pulled the drain, and successfully saved her life." Levi said, recalling seeing the soaked redhead rolled to her side inside her tub. She wasn't breathing, but she did have a pulse. A very weak pulse. 

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