

After the news, Kim Won Shik fell down. He could only lie on the bed doing nothing. His body is getting thinner, many fine hairs grow on the man's chin. Even the clothes he wears don't mean that one day someone will replace him.

"He's so troublesome!!" Jae Hwa hissed.

"Hmm, I'm even lazy if I have to take care of Appa. We'd better go to Eomma, it stinks here and I can't stand it."

"Let's go."

The two women chose to leave Kim Won Shik's room. The leadership of Daegu is now taken over by Kim Ye Jun. After Kim Won Shik fell ill and was unable to lead the people back, Kim Ye Jun took this opportunity and led Daegu. Of course with the new rules created by Kim Ye Jun. All citizens have to pay tribute at a high price. In addition, many girls were made slaves by Kim Ye Jun. Either asked to dance in front of Kim Ye Jun or maybe satisfy Kim Ye Jun's lecherous lust. Even though they are paid, still no parent is willing if their child is treated like that.

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