
Chapter 584: Close

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝟏𝟖+

Jay found herself seated in a random bar trying to drink away the stress she was feeling. Her father was just a small portion of her problems and there were others that consumed her thoughts often. President Rue had been pressuring her to convince Olivia to return to her family, CEO Rue had been trying to squeeze updates out of her, and Olivia was going to have a baby. Jay knew that Olivia's pregnancy was not her problem, but she felt partly responsible for it.

"I think you are done," said the bartender. The man snatched Jay's phone and started to scroll through the contacts. "Pick a letter."

"Mmm…" Jay hummed, her eyes were so heavy she could barely open them.

"Mmm? M. Done." The man handed Jay back her phone and served her what he said was her final round.

Time passed and Jay found herself chatting with a handsome man. He tried to buy her a drink, but the bartender was true to his word; she had been cut off. More time passed and Jay felt exhausted. She stood to leave but the bartender stalled her by serving her a cocktail. Before Jay knew what was happening, she was being stuffed into the front seat of a car.

Jay was extremely drunk and no matter how hard she tried to keep her eyes open, she failed. The next thing she felt was her clothing being removed from her body. Her mind told her to push the hands away and so she did.

"Can you stop? You smell like a bar and you aren't sleeping in my bed like that."

"Matthew?" Jay mumbled. "Why are you in my room?"

"Your room?" The man chuckled. "How much did you drink?" Jay shrugged before feeling the tugging sensation again.

No longer afraid, the woman sat up and kissed the hazy man in front of her. It took a while, but he eventually kissed her back and she started to pull at his clothing. She felt her body shake as the man trailed kisses all along her abdomen, and then, she felt nothing.


Matthew's phone had been ringing all morning and while he was able to ignore the buzzing at first, it had irritated him one time too many. He screamed his greeting into the receiver but was met with silence. Hanging up, Matthew put the phone down and snuggled back into his bed. Once again, the phone rang and this time he was livid.

"What?!" He shouted in annoyance.

"Who the hell is this?" Called out a male voice.

"You called me. Shouldn't you know?"

"I called my daughter you sick-" Matthew ended the call. He turned to face Jay who was still deep in sleep. Unsure what to do Matthew pushed on Jay's shoulder until the woman woke.

"What?!" Jay groaned. She was clearly irritated by the wake up she received, but Matthew did not do sleep overs, and he did not know how else to proceed.

"Your father called."

"I will call him back later." Jay's eyes were closed, but her brow still furrowed as she realized that she was actually talking to someone, and that someone was a man. She sat up abruptly and stared in the direction of Matthew before screaming loudly and when she noticed that her clothing had been almost completely removed, she started swinging at the man.

"You took my virginity while I was drunk. You sick b*stard. I should kill you." Matthew was too distracted by Jay's bouncing breast in his face to put up much of a fight, but when she grabbed at his manhood, he caught her hands.

"Jay, if you and I had sex you would still feel it; and what's the sh*t about you being a virgin?"

"Screw you," Jay shouted as she climbed out of the bed. She picked up her clothing from the floor and attempted to dress herself, but Matthew's arms wrapped around her body, stopping her.

"Answer me or I won't explain to your father." Jay's eyes grew wide, and she allowed her body weight to lean into Matthew.

"He is going to kill me. I didn't call him back last night." Matthew made a face. If Jay were going to be killed for something, it would not be for missing a call. As if on cue, Jay's phone rang, and she scrambled to answer it.

"Hello daddy?"

"Don't daddy me little girl. Who is the man that answered your phone?" Jay looked up at Matthew with eyes so wide that he almost laughed, but he did not. "Since you refused to listen to me, I won't stop you from your mistakes, but you will regret it."

"Daddy it isn't what you think. I got drunk and-" Jay's father ended the call and she glared at Matthew.

"You answered my phone?"

"Jay. Don't look at me like that. It's a common model and I thought it was mine." Matthew started to back away from the woman who no longer looked sexy while naked. She looked like a force to be reckoned with.

"You are telling me that you thought the device with my photo as the lock screen was yours?" Matthew did not get to answer before the woman pounced on him. Her punches were at first hard, but eventually they softened as they fell onto the bed.

Matthew looked up at Jay, who was biting her lip seductively. She caressed his chest and arms before pushing her full breast against his body. He shifted, allowing himself to be straddled by the woman in the right position.

Their lips crashed together as Jay moved her hips against him, slowing down and speeding up at random intervals. Her lips parted and he used the opportunity to explore her mouth with his tongue, only letting up when the woman moaned.

Jay removed her own underwear by ripping them off and Matthew quickly followed her lead by pulling his down enough to spring free of the restriction. He was about to ask her if she was sure, but she pressed their lips together with more intensity and the feeling of her warmth hovering over his shaft was a distraction.

Matthew found his hands kneading at Jay's thighs, and just when he thought she was going to allow him entry to her body, she pulled away. The woman stood up and started to dress herself.

"What the hell was that?" Jay looked back at the man with a smile that was almost mocking.

"I finished," she said while pulling on her skirt. Matthew wanted to be angry, but all he could think about was the fact that Jay had no underwear on. "Now, tell me where your restroom is so I can clean up and leave." Matthew pointed to the door leading to his en-suite toilet.

"You are no virgin," he declared. There was no way the woman had not already had a man. She was too good at what she did to him and not long ago he was close to sleeping with her, or at least he thought he was.

"Believe whatever you want." Jay walked away from him, and Matthew followed her.

"Tell me the truth."

"I already have." Matthew felt his patience wearing thin with the woman.

"Tell me or I'll let your father believe what he wants as well." Jay threw a punch at Matthew who backed away in time. He pushed her up against the wall, just the way he remembered she liked and whispered into her ear. "Is it true or not."

"It's not," Jay said in a breathy voice. Matthew pulled his face away from her neck and looked into her eyes.

"You're lying." Jay giggled.

"Make up your mind Matthew, either I am or I'm not." Matthew found himself frustrated in many ways.

"Do you know how close we came to having sex last night?" The woman shook her head.

"No, I do not." Jay pushed Matthew away. "But I'll have to thank you for sparing me the shame."

"Shame? Then why did you text me?" Jay laughed loudly.

"You can thank the bartender for that."

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