
Chapter 540: 'Get Out'

Mills was lazily lounging on the couch in Melony's apartment. She had thought having a girlfriend was going to be fun, but it was stressful. The woman was extremely clingy, especially after meeting Drax, and finding out about the miscarriage. While she had no expectations of Mills, she did have basic requirements in their relationship, and one of them was not allowing the other to stay sad or depressed.

Like Mills, Melony grew up poor, but she still had her parents. She was born in Bal, but moved between Pan and her native country, following her father's trade. Unfortunately, it meant that she was never able to settle and had never gotten an education. In that aspect, both women were identical. They could read, write, do basic arithmetic, but that was the extent of their knowledge that was not based in the world.

Fortunately, Melony had gone to a trade school when she realized that she was headed down a nowhere path. She became a licensed beautician and barber and was the person who suggested for Mills to cut her hair into a bob. She was also the person who suggested for Mills to 'explore her sexuality' while she was still young and beautiful. Now, the women were in a relationship, but it was a farce at best.

"Are you going to sit there all day? I know that it can't be easy to deal with what happened, but you can't change it, and the doctor said it isn't good for you to sit in one place for too long." Mills suggested they go out for a walk and went to shower. When she came back into the room, Melony was speaking with someone.

"Drax?" Melony shot to her feet and latched onto Mills' arm possessively. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just here to talk. There are some things I should have told you but didn't because I was scared." Mills stared at the man before looking back at Melony, who wore a skeptical expression.

"Don't worry. He won't do anything to me." Melony kissed Mills' cheek, grabbed her keys, and left the apartment, glaring at the man before closing the door.

"She seems fun." Mills turned her attention back to Drax, who had cleaned himself up, but still looked terrible.

"What did you need to talk about?"

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did yesterday. I should have-" Mills held up her hands.

"You reacted the same way I would have, but I am assuming that you didn't come all this way to apologize." Drax frowned but went straight to the point. He told Mills about the threat to her safety and forced himself not to blame it for his controlling behavior when they were together. "My brother?"

"Staying with my family. Cala is back in Sani, and he does not have a reason to go out for now, so he will be safe. I just wanted you to know since you are back in the country. I wanted to make sure you knew to keep yourself safe."

"Thanks," Mills said nonchalantly. "I appreciate the warning." She walked to the door of the apartment and held it open for the man to leave. Drax of course, took his cue, but not before stopping in front of Mills to make his last point.

"If you need anything, you can contact me, or anyone from my family at any time. I can't express how sorry I am, but I hope that one day you will forgive me." With those words the man left, and Mills leaned heavily against the closed door, feeling her heart shatter.


Mina was staring at President Lee wondering if things between them had really changed overnight, or if he had something planned. A part of her trusted him, but the other part was terrified that he was just using their shared near-death experience to further torment her. He was being too open and honest, and when she questioned him about Olivia and Willow, he admitted to being the one who had their film site moved.

According to President Lee, he did not want to take the chance that someone would use the women to try and make her surrender herself. Mina remembered one of the men who attacked them saying that they just wanted her, and while she was grateful to President Lee for thinking ahead, she was still worried. The man had even sent Dom to live with her friends until they were certain that no one was still after them.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked. Mina could barely make eye contact with the man, who seemed put off by her question.

"Because, I had to let Ren Loam go." Her eyes darted up to President Lee, seeing that his face was skewed into an anxious expression while waiting for her to speak.

"Will he come back?"

"He will not. The woman he was with meant a lot to him, and once her life was threatened, the man left the country willingly." Mina nodded slowly. "I thought you should know. She isn't related to you." Mina's face bunched up in bewilderment. "Zane kind of pulled out some of her hair, and we had her DNA matched against yours."


"Cylus Rue was concerned that she might be Sadie." Mina felt her whole-body shudder at the thought of her sister having been alive and kept by Ren. "Mina, what really happened between you and that man?" Mina looked down at her hands and still unable to move her leg, the best she could do was sit up and fidget.

"President Lee. I don't feel comfortable talking about this." Mina was shocked when the man hummed and changed the subject.


Milo had spoken to his sister several times since she revealed that she was back in Pan and had been for days. She told him about why she left, about her 'girlfriend,' and about her failed pregnancy. He was aware that his sister and Drax had been sleeping together, but he did not think they were too dumb to use protection.

Milo shot up from his bed and walked down the hall of the Staton family home. He wanted to do something spiteful to Drax, but nothing really crossed his mind until he approached the man's sister's bedroom door. He stepped inside of the room, knowing that security cameras would see him, and he wanted to smudge the girl's reputation a little. All he had to do was wait for her return, stay in her room a few minutes then leave.

Milo wandered around the room, picking up things and looking at them. Browsing Fiori's book collection, he was surprised when he saw it filled with literature that was not all entertainment. He picked up a title and sat in a chair near her bed. It was worn, and Milo could tell that the woman spent a lot of time in it. He flipped through the pages of the book in his hands, smiling at little notes the woman had made along the sides of some paragraphs.

Milo knew from general conversation that Fiori had studied communications in university. In almost every school, it was considered an easy degree, or a useless study field, but judging by the notes Fiori had in her book, she was planning on using it to become some sort of public speaker. Milo knew her family was overprotective of her, and in some ways, he felt sorry for the woman, who was living vicariously through the authors she read.

Movement at the door caught Milo's attention, and he straightened in the chair, hearing the door lock before Fiori's form came into view. She yelped when she saw him in her room, dramatically holding her chest as if she were having trouble catching her breath.

"You know, there is a library on the third floor." Milo smirked at the woman.

"I prefer the titles in your room."

"Maybe I need to put this more bluntly," the woman said. "Get out."

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