
Chapter 183: Surname

Mina was in her room doing random exercises with various items she had on hand. She did not realize it, but her workouts had become something she looked forward to, and now that she was trapped again, she felt that she would lose the results of all the hard work she had put into her body.

In a way, Mina was thankful to President Lee who had kept her breakfast, lunch, and dinner simple, because of him she was not worried about gaining weight, but she was worried about losing her muscle tone. Thoroughly covered in sweat, Mina went to take a quick shower. She planned to take a relaxing bath after dinner, but she could not see herself being able to eat with her clothes clinging to her body. While she was rinsing off, a letter was slid under her door, but she would never receive it.


Mina woke up early for breakfast as usual. She made quick work of her meal, showered, and did her best to make herself up. She did not want President Lee to leave her behind, but it seemed that it would happen because she could not find anything to wear. A soft and familiar voice called out to Mina and she was relieved. She rushed to the old woman and begged her to pick out an outfit. She had not seen Miss Ruby around, and she wondered if the lady still blamed herself for what took place a few days before, but when she saw her smile brightly at the request, Mina knew she was thinking too deeply into the situation.

"Sorry to rush you, but you haven't been coming to visit me," Mina said in a petulant tone.

"I've been preparing for my daughter's visit," Ruby replied. "I only came today because I remember you telling me you had something important to do." Mina smiled at Miss Ruby. There was a distant look in the woman's eyes that was indicative of her exhaustion. Mina had seen that look on her father's face countless times. Hopefully, she could find a way to bring it up to President Lee or Miss Luna later.


Mina was dressed in a dark brown fitted turtleneck dress with open shoulders. Miss Ruby told her that she should use her 'assets' to her advantage, and while Mina hated the outfit, she did not have the heart to refuse the old woman's advice. When she was done getting dressed, she rushed to meet President Lee before he left her behind, but when she flung open the door she flew directly into the man's chest.

"Sorry," Mina said while rubbing her forehead. The man seemed to be in a daze as he took in the sight of the beautiful woman before him. After a while he cleared his throat and took notice of the lack of anything in Mina's hands.

"Where are your documents?" he asked. Mina looked at the man confused.

"Didn't you get the letter?" Realizing that he had just outed himself, Ian lacked confidence in his speech.

"What letter?" Mina responded. She was starting to get nervous.

"You need your identity papers and resumé," President Lee said.

Mina ran back into the guest room and opened each of her notebooks. She sighed as she went through one book after another with what, President Lee assumed was, no results.

Eager to please, Ian walked toward Mina and began to look through the notebooks as well. She had obviously stored her documents in one of them, and he hoped it had not been lost during transportation. He flipped through several books before he came to a frozen halt.

Ian glanced up at Mina who was too busy flipping through pages to notice the man's penetrating stare. When she finally felt his eyes on her, she looked up and was instantly appalled. She snatched the book away from him.

"That was a long time ago," she said, as she carelessly shoved the notebook under the bookshelf.

Mina went back to searching as if nothing had happened and although President Lee's gaze never left her form, she did not look at the man again. He knew that Mina admitted to having a crush on him in the past, but he did not know the details. Just then, Ian had chanced upon a cut out picture of himself and a heart drawn around it. On the bottom corner of the page Mina had written her name with the surname Lee. Had it been under better circumstances, he would have tried to broach the subject.

Randomly, Ian chose a notebook and carefully flipped through the pages, he wanted to see if there were any other treats within the pages and pages of numbers.

"Found it," Ian said. He had not only found her identity papers, but he had also found her family registrar card. He secretly cupped it and put it into his pocket. Mina sighed in relief, but her expression soon became worried again.

"Do you think we can get a copy of my resume from your building?" It was one of the first favors Mina had asked of him on her own accord and he of course agreed.


While driving to the Lee building, Mina mustered the courage to bring up Miss Ruby. She told President Lee that she had seen that level of exhaustion in her father often, and that it eventually took a toll on his health. Mina was expecting President Lee to disregard her words, but he did not, and he revealed to her that he had already planned to address the issue.

When they arrived at their destination, Mina was greeted by the same valet attendant but this time, he stared at her with unconcealed desire in his eyes. Mina quickly made her way to President Lee, who was waiting by the VIP elevator. Inside, Mina felt nervous. She was already self-conscious about what she was wearing, and she could have sworn that her captor was glaring at her, but whenever she turned to check, President Lee's eyes were focused on a direction other than hers.

"What?" President Lee asked.

"I don't usually dress like this," Mina said. "I feel uncomfortable." Mina did not receive a reply and in truth, she did not even know why she had brought it up.

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