
Chapter 75: Lie Detector

Luna pointed to a chair and Mina took a seat. She allowed herself to be connected to the machine, but she could not stop herself from hyperventilating.

'This was how it ends,' She thought. A single tear escaped her eye, just as President Lee walked into the room.

Mina's face darkened. She watched the man walk into the room as if he had not a care in the world. His back was straight, and his head was held high. Mina hated him more now. Here she was waiting to be killed by him and he was as calm as a man waiting for his morning coffee. Mina scanned the area for something sharp to stab him with, sadly, there was nothing, they must have already removed anything that could double as a weapon, and they were right for doing so.

Mina did not know that the truth was that President Lee was acting. He was going through his own inner turmoil and he did not know how to behave. He already knew that he would not kill Mina if she were telling the truth. He was already too overcome with guilt to condemn an innocent party to death because he lacked restraint.

President Lee handed his sister a list of questions and by the time she looked up from reviewing them, her brother was already on his way out. Luna chased after him, holding his questions in her hands. When she caught up to him, she raised an eyebrow as to ask, 'what kind of questions are these?' but Ian's gaze told her that the questions were nonnegotiable. Muttering under her breath, Luna reentered the room. Apparently, he wanted to embarrass the girl to death.


A few minutes later, Luna explained what Mina should expect from the test and told her that there would be multiple rounds of questioning. She also told Mina that if she were unsure about an answer, she should be honest and they would come back to the question at the very end… Fully connected to the machine, Luna began to ask control questions to base Mina's responses. Once she was satisfied, she moved straight into questioning.

"Is your name Mina Harlow?"


"Were you born on December fifth?"


"Are your parents Anne and David Harlow?"


"Are you their only living child?"


Mina was asked simple questions for nearly an hour. She was shocked about how much President Lee and his sister knew about her education, personal life, and background.

"Are Mr. Mike and Adley real people?"


"Do you know where they are?"


"Are you an assassin or spy?"


"Do you have a criminal background"


After asking Mina more questions about crimes she had previously committed, the line of questioning turned to that night in the hotel. At first, they were easy to answer, but Mina soon found herself not knowing what to say.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"


"Was your first sexual encounter with President Lee?"

"Yes. I think so. I do not know. I don't remember."

"Mina, please stick to yes or no answers." Luna said.

"Was the time with President Lee your first time?


On the other side of the machine Luna was flustered for Mina, but she was not answering the questions honestly, so Luna put the screen back up thinking Mina was ashamed.

"Do you remember anything from that night?"


"Do you remember what happened between you and President Lee?"


"Did you have a crush on President Lee?"

"Ye… Yes"

"Did you purposefully enter President Lee's room to seduce him?"


Mina was beginning to lose herself in anger.

"Did you want President Lee?"


"Did you purposefully sneak into President Lee's room to try and trap him into a relationship?"


"Were you trying to get pregnant by President Lee?"

"No!!!" Mina finally shouted as she stood up.

"What kind of questions are these?" She asked with tears streaming down her face.

Luna looked at Mina sympathetically. She also felt the questions her brother asked were too much, but they were valid. Ignoring the fact that Mina was poor, even rich women would leap at the chance to switch places with Mina. However, Luna found that scenario unlikely. Ian had not been there when Mina swallowed the contraceptive like it was her last lifeline. She was clearly not out for a baby.

"Mina, you have to calm down. These questions are standard. My brother is highly sought after." Mina snorted.

"That's because people don't know he's a monster in a handsome skin suit. Do you know what he did to me? Do you know that he killed someone just for being nice to me?" She asked.

Luna really did not know what had happened to Mina. She just knew that when she came in that day to draw Mina's blood, the girl was so weak she was unable to wake up. It took the doctor hours to stabilize Mina's condition. Luna later found out that Mina had been poisoned by the kitchen, but this was the first time she heard about someone being killed.

"I'm not worried about the test results. I have already told you everything, but is there any need to torture me this way?" Mina asked, still in tears. "How can you expect me to consider what happened to me my first time? Thank goodness I do not remember it. I do not think I would have been able to go on living if I could. Did you not see the marks on my body? Did you not hear what the doctor told you? Do you know how much pain I was in and for how long?" Mina continued to rant uncontrollably, and Luna just listened. In her profession, witnessing breakdowns like this was normal and it was healthy.

"Yeah, I had a crush on your brother. So do hundreds of other women. That doesn't mean I asked for this." Mina was still crying while she spoke, "and want him? Want him? Miss Luna we are both women. Imagine the man you had admired since you were seventeen showing up before you in a bathrobe. Ask yourself, would you want him? Now ask yourself, does that give him the right?" Mina's eyes lost focus and she began to hyperventilate again. She grabbed two handfuls of her own hair before collapsing back into the chair. She calmed herself down and just like that, the wave of anger, panic and embarrassment was gone. That was not a normal reaction. Mina looked up and apologized to Luna. "I will answer the remaining questions honestly, but I have two conditions. If you cannot guarantee them to me now, then just forget it and kill me." Luna knew that Mina's mental state was fragile, and she did not want to antagonize the girl, so she halfheartedly agreed. "My family and Tara, let them live in peace."

Luna felt extremely guilty. In a position like this, those two things were Mina's only conditions. She did not even try to negotiate for a peaceful death. She seemed to be a genuinely nice person. Unfortunately, being nice cannot save lives.

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