
Chapter 11- Spring Festival

So currently my friend group consists of Sarah, Ramona, and Joey, but the problem is, that there seems to be bad blood between all of them, so I can only really hang out with one friend at a time, or else it gets awkward, like that time at the ice cream parlor, and that's the last thing I want. So I came up with a solution, hang out with them, and might I add, so far it's working out. Soon we are going to be having a "Spring Festival" and each class must participate, there's going to be food stands, games, and fireworks once the sun sets. It sounds like a lot of fun. For the next week and a half our class, among others, has been preparing for the festival. I'm having quite a bit of fun nowadays, and tomorrow is the festival, but, something has been off about, not just Joey, but Ramona and Sarah as well. For instance, Joey has been asking me for help and asking me to hang out quite a bit recently, and Ramona is acting a lot more touchy than she normally does, and Sarah, Sarah is talking to me way more. It's like, all of a sudden, they have a boost of interest in me, it's odd. Very odd.

So today is the day, the day of the festival that is. I'm actually excited for it. This is the first time I've ever been excited for a school event. I started to get our game booth set up outside, along with others, and I ran into Ramona, she called out my name and ran up to me. She immediately struck off a conversation with me, and I suddenly realized, that I haven't talked to any of my friends in a while. She asked me what I had been up to and if I'm busy, and what not. Something was different today though, Ramona looked... really pretty, it was like, when she was talking to me the world had stopped for a split second, and all of a sudden my heart felt like it was pounding. I'm so confused, what is this feeling. Ramona's face turned into that of a slightly worried expression and she asked me if I was okay. I then realized, I must look like a dork. Startled, I shook myself back into reality, and Ramona giggled at me, and I told her I had to go, and then I left. I went back to the school building but suddenly I had heard Sarah's voice, It sounded like she was in trouble, so naturally I went to go see what was happening. It looked like a few guys were harassing Sarah, so I asked them what was happening, they told me that it was "None of my business" and that I should "Go on" and "Leave 'em be" but Sarah's face was one of surprise and fear, so I walked over to her, grabbed her hand and started to walk away, but one of the guys stepped in my way, blocking me and Sarah's way, I asked him to move, but he refused. They all looked at me with a menacing gaze, as if they were going to kill me. Right as these jerks were about to lay there hands on me and Sarah, a teacher came, and broke it up, thank god, I hate conflict, but, bow Sarah is safe.

I walked Sarah inside and we walked further up the stairs to the roof, and we stayed there for a while, I got a text from Ramona suddenly though. She said she needed to ask me something, " In person." I can't help but to wonder what she needs to tell me, so I tell Sarah that I have something to do and start to head for the door back to the stairs, but Sarah stops me, and says " Wait... I wanted to ask you something"... her too? " Will you watch the fireworks with me tonight?" " Sure" I reply, I start to open the door to leave, but Sarah interjects one more time, " But Mal, just you and me, I want to watch fireworks just you and me, like a couple, cause Mal, I like you" " Oh...Yeah, sure" I've never had a girl do that to me, she just... did she just confess on the spot like that, okay well I don't have time to process this at the moment, Ramona said she needs me so,I smile at her and then head to go see what Ramona needs, to my surprise, she was looking for me too, and we ended up bumping into each other in the stair well, she stops and looks at me and she says my name with a shocked expression... " Mal I like you... a lot, and I wanna watch fireworks with you tonight, just us, is that okay?" I'm frozen, well... this is a conundrum.

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