

The war started slow but firm, with a lot of small skirmishes here and there, the more heated conflict we had was something involving 4 genin cells together that the enemy was trying to ambush. But thankfully everything worked out in the end and we were able to save them at the last second.

Being a commander was something way more difficult than I thought, I was the impression that you just shouted 'CHARGE' and you would be good, but at the end, it involves a lot of strategical thinking, who would've thought?

Aside from my mental complaints about a task that was definitely more difficult than I imagined, as it is totally different than simply commanding some organization, or anbu team, its something on a whole other level, or perhaps these lines of thinking that made my life difficult to start with.

So trying to manage my troops with a renewed mentality, like I normally treat people of my organization and industries, held astounding good results, principally right now that the war is more of a bunch of small skirmishes than anything.

But the time passe and a got better and was able to more efficiently use my troops, death decreased a lot and morale was very hight, my improvement was even noticed by the Hokage, earning myself a good bonus reward.

With happier and more organized men we proceed to be a little more offensive, I was trow for a curve first seeing that I wasn't as experienced with offense as I was with defense, but thankfully my past errors earned me enough experience to quickly correct my mistakes, and thus we were able to hold a more steady offense.

All this happens on the span of months, at the end war is a complicated affair, and as much as I can waltz to the enemy village and absolutely crush everything, I will simply don't do it, not only because is time consuming and counter productive, but also because it would evolve making a massacre, and as rutheles as I am towards my enemy, I can recognize the true purpose of this war.

This isn't a war to destroy you enemy or something like that, this is more of a political situation that melded together with an economical depression with the added factor of a general discontentment with the previous wars results, so this is like a totally unnecessary war for 'Peace', but a totally necessary war for 'Prosperity'.

But my musing is cut short as with my [Observation Haki], I am able to detect 3 Big chackras signatures coming at my direction, they are very fast, and the distinctive feeling of lightning, a cat, and an octopus quickly clued to me who is going on the offensive now. I should probably not ignore the other signature following the trio, this one feeling like lightning, but on a deeper level, it is almost the same with the other lightning signature, but older, better, stronger.

It appears that Kumogakure was fed up with the foreplay and thus decided to go on the offensive.

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