
Gayoon's Story (10)

Gayoon tried to keep her attention on the board but her eyes were drooping. She had no idea what the teacher was talking about and as much as she tried to keep her concentration, the lack of sleep was getting to her. Jaewan was sitting right behind her and he jabbed her shoulder with a pencil.

The sharpness of the pencil temporarily caused her to jerk awake but soon, she was being engulfed by sleep again. Suddenly, someone threw a paper ball at her. She glanced to her right and saw Minjung snickering at her along with her friends, making faces at Gayoon. The latter was not amused and picked up the paper ball to throw it back when the teacher's voice boomed behind her.

"Looks like Ms. Jeon is enjoying her time too much," the teacher declared. "Her high grades probably made her think that she's way above school work."

Gayoon looked at him guiltily, fidgeting her fingers.

"I'm sorry Mr. Shim!" she apologized. "I-"

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