
Chapter 24: A Calamity

Within the city of Masseth warning bells were chiming loudly and people armed were heading to the gates.

"AH!!!" the woman cried "I will let my anger out on ALL of you before I bring him to Azazel"

The remaining members of the Dix of old had gathered at the gates of Masseth as their protectors. The foe before them was an extremely dangerous and rogue woman, known for her destruction of a country out of anger and becoming one of the untouchable members of the calamities.

Before Pocrea, Dino, Kirgo and Marcus were ready for her. The rest were mobilising.

"Can someone tell me where Lyon is? I heard he graduated early" Leland shouted running around the city. Getting to Lyon to Leland was more important than the continent class woman threatening the city.

"Without needing to say this we don't stand a chance. Go all out and hold her up until the rest arrive or she gets bored and leaves" Marcus exclaimed vulcanising his red aura and focusing it onto his middle knuckles.

Dino and Kirgo copied and the air slightly got warmer around the trio with smoke rising from their fists.

Behind them were doors shutting and screaming as the civilians tried to save themselves. The gate to Masseth came crashing down. The city left this to them.

"Push her back. We don't want her accidentally destroying the city" Kirgo warned "Let's start of by stalling"

Pocrea drew her nodachi and vulcanised her fuwa instantly. Her presence burned the ground and warmed the air in an extreme manor making the trio look like a pebble compared to a rock.

[nodachi is what you call a very long katana. I will be using this instead of 'very long katana']

"This is bad" Dino mumbled "I don't even think we can touch her yet alone stall"

"We have to try" Kirgo mumbled back

"Pocrea. The great calamity. Why are you here?" Marcus asked "We don't have a death wish so maybe we can help you"

"NO!" Pocrea screamed "I am ANGRY. I'm going to use this city to blow off steam then I'm going to take him to Azazel"

"Who exactly?" Marcus asked

"Kami" she responded

The reasoning behind why she was told to bring him was unclear but what wasn't was her anger. She was extremely angry after her defeat by Asmodeus. She was like a child before a Lego tower. She wanted to knock it down.

"I believe he left here with James ages ago. Please leave" Dino said nonchalantly

"Are you giving me an order?! NO ONE. ANYWHERE. TELLS ME WHAT TO DO. EVER!" she screamed

"Fuc-" Dino began but didn't get to finish his cursing.

Right in front of him was Pocrea with her blade covered in fuwa behind her aimed at his neck. Kirgo and Marcus kicked him out of the way and moved away from the city.

Her missed attack broke the walls to the city and cut all the buildings that were in the direction she was facing in half. The top fell and the civilians screamed. Defences against Pocrea in Ochea were a common occurrence. She generally prefers horizontal slashes so every building on the entire continent had a deep basement but if she ever decided to do a vertical slash, the people would be dead.

Pocrea wasn't the strongest calamity but she was the most dangerous. She frequently goes on rampages when she's angry and they take place on any city she is nearby.

The actual strongest calamity Lukas was a calm and collected person. He acted as Pocrea's cooler of sorts, fighting her whenever she was angry and dissuading her from breaking everything when she was angry. However he was beaten by Asmodeus and was fairly angry himself and didn't bother to calm her down. Plus she had received an order from Azazel.

Everyone rings the bells when Pocrea comes to a city regardless of whether she is angry or not but it makes barely any difference because her going in and out of any city calmly is very rare. Since she had an order and it was effectively a kidnapping Pocrea was going to have to fight anyway so Lukas didn't deem it necessary to interfere because she would break stuff anyway.

"Azazel. Isn't that a demon?" Kirgo began "How did he get Pocrea under him. She isn't supposed to be controlled"

"I heard you could manipulate her into getting her to leave or do something once or twice but that is about it. Not something like collecting someone though" Marcus explained

"This Azazel fellow is impressive. I'm pretty sure he was the reason a few of those sins got sealed as well then since Pocrea sealed one" Dino gasped

However during their conversation they forgot about the action problem they were facing.

"I'm going to kill you!" Pocrea screamed pointing at Dino reminding everyone she was there.

They quickly began to run away from the city with her hot on their heels. She repeatedly sent slashes coated in fuwa that decapitated tree trunks and any animals unlucky enough to be in their paths.

After reaching about 1km distance from Masseth,

"Level 3++. Ground burner!" the three screamed

The three punched the ground with both middle knuckles of both hands coated in vulcanised red aura creating a super volcano. They probably added the pluses because it was multiple at once. A true team effort.

The ground around their fists burned red fire then changed into molten rock and dirt. A deep hole was created where their fists were and lava was sent out spurting in all directions.

Some was aimed at Pocrea but she didn't even block. Some came flying towards her in huge amounts and dropped off like water. Some of the lava even began to burn black into non existence.

"Thought so" Dino sighed "She knows fuwa, an attack of this level isn't even registering"

"Now what?" Kirgo asked

"We run!" Marcus screamed running further away from the city with the other two and Pocrea chasing close behind "Until reinforcements come we run"

"Who says any are even going to come?" Dino asked

"Trust your friends" Marcus responded slightly annoyed by his remark. "This would be so much easier with Poldras"

Marcus thought this but didn't know that Poldras got one shot by Asmodeus when Asmodeus was slightly stronger than Lukas. It would've made no difference, just an extra person for Pocrea to chase.

Leland finally found Lyon and began a frantic conversation with him hearing the repeated bangs from Pocrea in the distance.

"Is it ready?" Leland asked

"Yes. Let me go find it" Lyon responded

Drew and Damian were running through the city towards the sliced entrance.

"Do you think we will make a difference?" Damian asked to where Drew laughed and jumped over the city walls with Damian.

"Of course not" he replied "This is suicide even for us"

After 10 minutes of running they saw the trio dancing around Pocrea's attacks.

"We are almost all done!" Damian screamed "Barks, Theo and Leland are on their way"

"Understood. We were waiting for you guys" Marcus responded

With now five, they all did all made their auras red and vulcanised. They put all of their aura into their right hands and specifically into their middle finger knuckle. Dino dodged a heavy slash from Pocrea and everyone rushed towards her feet.

"Everyone. Don't do it once keep going until you can't anymore. BURY HER IN THE GROUND!" Marcus screamed

"LEVEL 4! GROUND DESTROYER" they all screamed.

They were in a circle around Pocrea and jumped in the air and span angling themselves down and punched the ground with their right hands. Pocrea instantly fell and was consumed by the ground turned lava. The hole they created was deep and viscous pulling her deep down.

They got on their knees and screamed as they continuously punched the ground with each attack pushing her deeper and deeper into the ground. They kept going until they began to pant and watched as lava flew out like a hotspring upwards.

"Everyone do it now!" Marcus screamed

They changed their aura to water.

"Make it Level 5. DON'T HOLD BACK!" Marcus screamed.

"LEVEL 5! GROUND LIQUIFIER!" they all screamed repeating the jump and pushing their fists deep down into the ground.

Steam rose enough to burn. The lava hardened turning into obsidian extremely fast with mud surrounding the 5 men.

The only difference between level 4 and 5 was the execution. The aura was still vulcanised on their middle finger knuckle but they pushed the aura out of them. This was dangerous as all of their aura was on their knuckle. This move makes them auraless but it was a necessary sacrifice.

They all sighed relieved and fell down into the shallow mud. They had successfully trapped Pocrea in their attack.

Theo had seen this and just arrived on scene.

"No! Run away, that wasn't enough!" Theo screamed but he was too late.

The mud began to bubble and warm up turning into murky water. The obsidian began to melt and they could here cracking from beneath the ground.

"Even that wasn't enough?" Dino screamed

Pocrea had been buried a good 2km under ground by the technqiue. They all had thought she was dead but her fuwa protected her. Before her steady descent deep into the crust of the planet known as Zeilarva she held her breath and made preparations to break free. Had the technique been performed with Theo and one other of similar strength she would've been pushed into the mantle and got lost and died of suffocation.

Theo picked them all up and helped them run even further away from Masseth now with Theo himself being the only able attacker until the rest of the team came. It would take everyone about 30 minutes to get enough aura to fight back. Until then they had to outrun the enraged woman.

She slashed her nodachi in all directions creating quakes in the ground. Then the obsidian exploded out of the ground some as lava and some as hard obsidian flying everywhere as Pocrea ascended out of her hard prison.

"They are annoying" she mumbled. She began to jump in their direction at fast speeds easily catching up to them.

She swung her sword at them. Theo slowed down pulled out his blade and covered it in aether aura blocking the attack but it wasn't enough. He ended up waist deep in the ground. He thought Pocrea was going to finish him but he was spared.

She was after Dino. After she destroyed him she planned on heading back to Masseth and retrieving Kami after breaking a few stuff.

"Thank you so much. I can't believe you would do this for me" Leland said to Lyon whilst repeatedly thanking him.

"Well considering your opponent I doubt it will help you much but it's something" Lyon responded

"I cannot fight without this" Leland explained "I am nobody when I am not armed"

Leland quickly put his blade away and ran over to Pocrea. Remember when Lyon defeated Leland shattering his blade and he whispered something in the broken Leland's ear? Lyon had promised to make him a new weapon and that he did.

On his way through the city he spotted Damian and Barks was somewhat behind. With this all alive members from the Dix of old were assembled and heading or already battling Pocrea.

Ten minutes have passed on the battle field. Dino is having a hard time dodging and weaving around all of Pocrea's attacks. He knows if the wind slashes let alone the blade of her nodachi touches him. His life will be forfeit.

Everyone is scrambling around trying to protect Dino and recover their aura. They need another 20 minutes to be able to retaliate. Another 5 minutes of dodging and weaving later and a few S class adventurers from within Masseth have arrived on scene and began taking her on. Two of them could use fuwa but it was weak. None could equal the continental calamity with their country class strength.

They managed to buy time somehow until all that was left were 5 minutes on the clock. All members of Dix were now gathered and were waiting for everyone's aura to recover to launch an all out attack on her.

There were two groups. The fighters and the recoverers. All the Dix members that were recovering dispersed leaving only Dino. Dino had to continuously run away whilst being protected by the fighters. The only one who didn't participate in protecting Dino was Barks.

Pocrea turned around at the sound of footsteps. Behind her was a large group of people all dressed in black.

"This is it for you Pocrea" Theo stated

"No. It's the other way around" Barks laughed walking towards Pocrea "Behind us is the entire strength of the bandit. The guild that I am an executive for"

Colt led the bandits down towards the battle. Pocrea turned and looked at the laughing Barks who stood next to her.

"Who are you" she said in a monotone voice as she sliced his head off his body.

Barks died yet the bandits kept on marching forwards.

"Go away. I never asked for help nor do I need it. Unless you want to end up like this man disappear" Pocrea claimed as she used her blade to point at the headless body of Barks.

"I am leader of the Masseth division of bandits Colt. We are here to provide back up" Colt explained unphased

"Seems seeing your own men isn't enough to scare you guys. Do as you wish after my battle. Like I said I don't need help" Pocrea sighed as she went back to trying to slice Dino.

The bandits sat down and waited on standby watching anyone who tried to leave. Each attack that Pocrea dealt was just about blocked by the swords of Theo, Leland and Damian.

"I can't believe Barks was a bandit. Why did he do that" Dino uttered whilst he ran from Pocrea.

They could feel it. There aura had returned to them.

"Okay boys. We know one element isn't enough. So how about multiple?" Marcus screamed

All of Dix began to glow yellowish gold.

"Don't hold back. Vulcanise!" he commanded

They all vulcanised their aether aura and pushed it into their weapons. Now Dino, Kirgo, Marcus, Drew, Leland, Damian and Theo stood before Pocrea with vulcanised aether aura.

"Finally. A challenge, if you lot are going to stop me from breaking the city you better give me a fun time" Pocrea smiled

Upon seeing this the bandits stood up and began to reassess the situation. Seven country level people were now confronting Pocrea. This would be hard even for her.

"Dino I'm sure you want revenge against this woman so you, me, Theo and Leland will take her. Kirgo, Damian and Drew deal with the bandits okay?" Marcus commanded

They agreed and separated. As Marcus originally suspected Pocrea doesn't care about anyone who isn't attacking her or isn't Dino right now so she didn't even touch Kirgo, Damian and Drew as they ran past her.

"Okay. She has aether and nether powers so we will take damage but don't give up. We are enough to deal with her" Marcus reassured everyone

"You four are enough?" Pocrea laughed

For the first time since the battle started, Pocrea was about to fight seriously.

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