

Rean then touched Blansin's shoulder, sending a stream of Light Element inside his body. Not long after, the seal he put in Blansin's demon core disappeared. Blansin could now use his full strength again. 

"This..." Blansin was taken aback.

Not only him but Erla and Min as well. "Why did you let him free?"

Rean shrugged his shoulders in response. "This idiot only wanted her heart so that he could prevent a bigger calamity for the White Scaled Carp race. Now that he knows that taking her heart will only complicate things, I doubt he'll come after you anymore."

Blansin had to ask, "And why would you believe me? I could be totally lying, you know?"

Rean smiled in response. "I got this thing that detects lies from a certain emotionless stone. I can't say it's 100% accurate, but it isn't that far off. For a naive guy like you, it's quite easy to see through."

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