
Chapter 28 - Killing a heretic God

Chapter 28

"We will talk later, now tell everyone to get away from here. They will be a bother when I fight this giant!" I calmly said to Alice who dazedly looking at me and seemingly wanted to say something.

"Y-yes! Sebastian, wake everyone up and told them to get away from here. Oscar, take the unconscious Prince Theo inside the car!" Alice replied and immediately instructed Sebastian and Oscar.

A giant body with red skin, one eye that closed in its forehead. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge about gods, so I have no idea who is this giant. The giant seems in a berserk state after awakening, so it attacked everything he sees.

While Alice, Oscar, and Sebastian working to make everyone get away from here, the giant who realized we still have not destroyed pointed its hand at us and scorching sun flame coming out from its hand and speeding toward us.

"Second attack incoming!" Sebastian shouted as he looked at the incoming flame.

"I know, don't worry about it. Just focus on getting everyone away from here." I assured and casually walking ahead to intercept the attack with my barrier.

When the flame crashed with my barrier, it caused a massive explosion that makes the ground trembled.

"Tch, really annoying. If it's like this, I will lure it far away from here then. Come with me Hime-chan!" I said as I held Alice's waist and fly to the giant.

"E-eh.." Alice embarrassedly said before calming herself because this is not a situation to be embarrassed at as she hugged my neck.

"Hime-chan, you can tell me what is this giant later. For now, tell me how to make this giant follow me so I can make it away from here to fight without minding our surroundings," I asked.

"Try using water or storm, it is one of its weaknesses." Alice sugessted.

"Very well. Water Dragon!" As I cast the magic, a huge water dragon formed in the air and speeding up toward the giant.


The water dragon hit the giant's body and making it fall down and roared angrily.

"RRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRR" The giant immediately stands up and looked to my direction. The giant spreads its palm and aiming toward my direction and performed a grasping motion. Instantly an explosion occurred around me.


"AHHHH" Alice screamed.

"Don't worry Hime-chan. This barrier is very strong." I said to assure her.

"At any rate, Hime-chan, doesn't it seem this giant in a berserk state?" I asked her curiously as I flew towards the oceans. Water magic seems to be working finely as the giant started to chase us.

"Indeed. Very likely because he just awakened, his memories becoming vague and most likely the memories he saw after awakening is the time when he was slain." Alice explained after thinking for a bit.

"How does it get killed? I might want to use that as a reference to killing this one." I asked with a grin.

"I don't know how strong you are, Izumi. But the enemy is a god albeit heretic one. Can you kill it?" Alice anxiously asked.

"Hehe... Don't worry, I am certain I can kill it. So how is it?"I assured her with a confident smile.

"*sigh* Fine, but I want you to promise me if something happens please run... I don't want you to die..." Alice looked at me with worriedly with her eyes that looked like they were about to shed tears.

"That's an easy thing to do, Hime-chan." I replied to her with a gentle smile.

Before Alice was able to explain, the giant spread its right hand and suddenly a giant ax appeared in its hand. The giant started running and then slashing the ax to us.

*Sounds of metal clashing*

The ax got bounced off after clashing with my barrier.

"Welp, that's a very big ass ax it has there." I jokingly said. Then I accelerate my flying speed until we're in the middle of the ocean.

"It should be fine here. So, how does it get killed?" I asked,

"It was killed by the storm god Lugh using spear that pierced his eyes when it was about to open then beheaded his head. The giant is Balor The Evil Eye, the legend said when Balor opened his eyes, everything destroyed." Alice explained simply. Suddenly the giant halted its steps.

"Oho... It seems he regains his consciousness." I said as I pointed at Balor who suddenly stopped roaring and stands up calmly.

"Hmm... It's been some years since I was awakened. I need to settle something with Lugh. Oya? It seems there is a new challenger who wants to become a Campione by slaying me. Very well mortal, you shall be the exercise before I kill Lugh." Balor arrogantly said.

"Hee... I seem to be underestimated very much. Anyway Hime-chan, you said 'When he opens his eyes', doesn't it means he can't always open it? Maybe there is a time before he can open it again?" I asked Alice. While I asked, it seems Balor won't attack me first most likely because of his pride as a god.

"Most likely, many legends never said about that but they indicate it like that. Besides the evil eyes, Balor, in addition, possesses a different name to its legend, Balor The Drought God. In this legend, Balor got killed by Lugh who was the storm god as the water and storm was the enemy of drought." Alice explained briefly.

"I see. Then its time for me to kill it." I said with a grin then I place Alice to the land near our current location.

"Wait here okay, I will be back," I said.

"... I can help, you know?" Alice worriedly said.

"Hehe... It's fine. You will have a special seat to look at me killing this god. And this is for a lucky charm." I confidently said and kiss her lips.

"Wish me luck!" I said with a confident smile as I winked.

"...*sigh* very well, I will watch as you become one of the kings in the world," Alice said with an embarrassed smile looking at my back like a wife who sees her husband going to war.

"Thanks for waiting," I said.

"It would dishonor my pride as a god to kill a mortal from behind. Come, Mortal!" Balor arrogantly said.

"Ice dragon lance!" without replying I shot big ice magic to Balor as I made the most powerful spear I can make and put in in my inventory stealthily. He easily deflected it with his giant ax.

*Ice destroyed sounds*

"It's futile, Mortal!" Balor immediately coated his ax with a scorching flame and rushes toward me and slashing his flame-coated ax.


The barrier successfully deflected it, but the power of his slash made me flew for about 40 meters. Without waiting, Balor spread its palm to my direction and performed a grasping motion then explosions occurred.


"Hmph! In the end, a mortal is just mortal."

"I guess the testing stop here. Now, be prepared to die Balor." From behind him, I said.

"W-What? How are you fine from that?!"

"It just...Futile, God! Water Shackles!" The instant I cast the magic, Ocean water started to coiling around his legs tightly.

"ARRRRR... DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME WITH THIS?" Balor furiously shouts. Then he throws his fire-covered ax to me, alas I avoid it with minimal movement.

"THEN HOW ABOUT THIS, GET DESTROYED, MORTAL!" Balor loudly shouts and slowly unclosed his eyes.

"This is what I am waiting for, idiot." As I quietly said that I bring out the spear that I previously made. I made it bigger with magic and reinforced it many times.

"You might recognize this scene, Balor." I concentrated my sight towards his eyes, pointed the spear, and execute a throwing motion with all my power then release it. I might not be capable to use any spear technique but, I tried archery once and making use of that to throw the spear.

"WHAT?! YOU!!!" In his eyes that about to open, he saw a huge spear speeding toward his eyes with light speed. Without being able to defend, the spear pierced his eyes.

"ARRRGGGH," Balor screamed in pain. At that moment he randomly shot sun flames to any directions and one of them going to Alice's direction. Good thing I placed a barrier for Alice beforehand.

"Maelstrom! Absolute Zero!" Immediately I cast two magic simultaneously.

"GRAAAAAAAAAH!" Balor screamed in pain as the water coiling in his legs frozen to Absolute Zero while his entire body attacked by Maelstorm.

"Now for the finish." I made the best long katana that I can make right now and again reinforce it to the max. Then I placed the Katana on my left waist and assume the Iai stance as I breathe in and exhale slowly.

"Niten Ichi-Ryu, One sword style: Issetsu Nadegiri." I quietly said. I rush toward Balor and quickly pull my Katana when we're near. As I felt the katana cut his head, I put back my Katana to my inventory. Balor's head slowly falls down from its head.

"ARGGGGGG! REMEMBER THIS MORTAL, WHEN I CAME BACK WE WILL HAVE A REMATCH!" As expected of god, he stills able to talk even when his head severed. Then his body becoming particles of light and he is gone.

At that moment, I gradually lose consciousness and fall down to the ocean. Before I completely fall down to the ocean, I felt someone bringing me to the land and said.

"Rest well, Izumi..." Alice said with an affectionate tone. Then I felt a warm feeling in my lips and lose my consciousness.


[Quest completed]

[Congratulation, by killing a heretic god your race is changed to Campione.]

[You gained two new skills and because of the change in your race, some skills will be evolved as you have surpassed the limit of human.]

I don't know if the fight is good or not. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Right, I will count the vote for Erica and others. Well most likely it would be yes for all which I don't mind but I will still count it.

KimYurincreators' thoughts
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