
[Chapter 129] Behold! My Cult!

I stand there awkwardly as I look down at the robed Dragonborn in front of me, him still in his kowtow position. I quickly wave him up as my face blushes from embarrassment, especially with everyone in the room. "No, no, it's ok! Please stand!" I say flustered. he stands up and bows his head to me.

"I thank you for your forgiveness my lord." I say nothing as I nod before looking over the rest, my eyes landing on Winter as her tail flips back and forth in an excited frenzy.

I smile at her when I hear the church member speak again, "To answer your old question my lord, I believe that the soldiers were sent to capture Elizabeth and use her as ransom." He speaks with his aged tone, the fatigue in his voice gone.

'Ransom?' I ask myself in confusion when I hear my new follower speak again, "The Fang Kingdom and Shall Kingdom have never seen eye to eye my lord, the Shall Kingdom see full Dragonborns as the strongest power so they strongly discriminate against anything that has human skin."

'That could explain why the proxy looked at me like that.' I think as I remember the look in his eyes, one of hate and annoyance. As if me being there was an inconvenience to him, well it was as he is now reborn as my shadow soldier.'

I glance over at the staff as I see runes pulse, I inwardly curse, 'This language translate skill is one of the most useful skills I have but it doesn't teach me to read runes and the language, only speak it.'

I point at my follower and Liz as I tell them, "Follow me." And I begin to walk into my kitchen. Behind me, I hear his aged voice speak, "I am happy to be graced with such honor my lord." He walks behind me as Liz follows as well.

As we walk through the kitchen and into my warehouse, I hear a gasp of awe from behind me. I glance back to see follower murmuring to himself, "He invited a lowly follower like me inside a place filled with his holy relics, I must make sure to remember this."

I inwardly smile as he continues, 'I may be new to being a supposed god but I know one thing, a god should have an overwhelming power to create things, and that is what I am going to do.'

I look over at Liz as I ask, "What weapon do you use?"

She looks at me with shock before quietly murmuring, "Shortsword...."

I turn back as I look at her and hold out my hand, "Let me see your current blade."

She blushes as a sad look appears on her face, "I might of lost it during my fight."

I hear my follower speak, "My lord lets you enter his sacred ground and protects you with his grace but you can't do such a simple task to repay him. Inexcusable, can I please teach her respect my lord?" He asks with a small amount of anger in his voice.

She looks down with a depressed look on her face, showing she truly doesn't mean to be rude. I begin to walk towards her, a look of panic comes across her as she sees me approaching soundlessly and begins to back up. Before she can even take 2 steps, I grab her wrist as I ask her, "Open your hand."

She opens her hand feeling my vice like grip, besides, she has seen enough today to know I could make her do it forcefully. But she is confused as to why, so she opens her hand.

I look over at a purple metal glove with a circular white light in the middle of the hand. I hold my hand out and use [Absolute Darkness] to create a black tendril that wraps itself around the globe before pulling it onto my hand, the globe going up to my elbow.

I move my fingers a bit to make them more comfortable as I hold my palm over her's. White light beams from it as it runs across her hand multiple times, a grid forming around her palm when a beep sound is heard. I let go of her hand as I flip my palm over, showing a full 3D model of her hand.

She immediately retracts her arm as she gazes at the model in amazement, looking down at her hand to make sure it is still attached and isn't actually the thing floating there. My follower stares at it with his eyes sparkling, as if he is watching history being made.

'I usually do this so I can make the equipment fit the user right, I just wanted the sword so I could do it quicker by cheating. Guess she will be getting a personalized piece this time.' I think as I hold the 3D model over the table before closing my hand, the 3D model floats there as white lights come from the base of the table, maintaining the floating hand.

I hold my hands over the table as I imagine the blade I am going to make. 'Let's go with a katana style blade crossed with a Fang Kingdom type. And let's throw something special in there.' I think as I imagine a small katana, the back of it covered with spikes that curve backward smoothly.

Liz and my follower watch as my shadow moves onto the table, slowly forming a smooth grey curving blade. The back grows ridges as a handle begins to gather, a midnight handle.

I open my eyes as I say, "Grip the handle." The hand flexes as it moves and grabs where the handle is, I model it so it fits the grooves and grip of the hand as it grips. I make a pommel, thick spikes poke from the bottom of the handle as a groove forms, leaving empty gripping claws at the bottom.

I open my mouth as I say the word, "Release." And the hand disappears, the only thing left is a floating sword. 'Time to add my finishing touch.' I think as I place my hand on the blade, some wisps of shadow disperse. I lift my hand off the blade to show a circular imprint, a cat like slime with wisps of smoke coming off of it.

[I like how is is something of an artificer.] Thanks For Reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts
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