
[Chapter 90] Brand New Shadow Soldiers

I come back from my shock by the waves of pain from the katana in my stomach. I look down and push the blade out of my stomach, hearing it thud on the ground behind me.

'I can't fight like this.' I think as I try to come up with a solution before I suddenly remember I might have a solution. 'Shadow morph.' Suddenly, the shadows from around me begin to gather at my stomach as the pain begins to fade. After a few seconds, the blade mark is now replaced by a scar.

'Convenient.' Suddenly, I see a glint of light as I quickly cover myself in shadow armor. The shadows from around me begin to crawl across my body with ferocity until not even a piece of skin can be seen. A slight clang can be heard as it hits off the shadow armor. I around but don't see the 2 that are attacking me so I begin to run towards Winter to help her with her situation, but as I take my first few steps, I hear a loud clang as it something hugs my leg and look down to see 10 of the blades now sitting in the snow at different angles, the liquid still dripping off of them.

'I'm starting to get annoyed.' I think as suddenly I hear a loud yelp and look over to see a large wolf fall to the ground, the once pure silver fur dyed red with blood. I look Winter over quickly as the rage within me boils.

"Will you be ok for 5 minutes?" I ask Winter as she lays on the ground. I see a pained nod and stand. A black dome forms around Winter until she can't be seen anymore. "Because five minutes is all I am going to need with these bastards." I say as I use shadow morph and begin to make my form larger. My size increases by 4 times its original size and I stand at a 24 ft tall.

An inhuman smile forms from my seamless armor as rows of black teeth shine in the pale moonlight. I look around and see no sign of the four. "Fine then." Is all I say as I breath shadow black flames everywhere, leaving nothing unscathed. I suddenly hear a scream as I hit someone and suddenly see him appear from nowhere, suddenly, I see three others appear from thin air right beside him as he quickly begins to brush away the flames and goes to chant something. Two of them look severally wounded as they hold their sides and shoulders, but I show no mercy.

"Not this time!" I yell as I run at them and breath black fire at them. I hear screams as I stare at them their body's being burned alive. I watch as skin melts in some places while it burns in others. Suddenly, one stops screaming, then another, then silence. I look around and wait for a moment, seeing if any more attacks are going to happen, before looking at the ruined corpses at my side. "Arise."

I hear a Ping and a few messages pop up in front of me.


"Resurrection of level 1 shadow soldier successful!"



"Resurrection of level 1 shadow soldier successful!"



"Resurrection of level 2 shadow soldier successful!"



"Resurrection of level 2 shadow soldier successful!"


I watch as shadows slowly crawl from their empty shell and kneel before me. I look them over before simply waving. "Get rid of your old bodies." I say before I walk across the burning hell of black flames. I reach a new body, one with a katana beside it and no head. I kneel down and pick up the katana, grab a handful of whatever snow is left and clean off the blade, I then grab the headless body's sheathe and put the blade in it before putting it in my ring.

I look over at the body, the slime sitting on top of it, staring at me skeptically, I don't have the time to deal with Slime Winter and simply put him in my tattoo before staring at the body, "Arise." Ping!


"Resurrection of level 3 shadow soldier failed."


"Arise!" I yell at the headless corpse.



"Resurrection of level 3 shadow soldier successful!"


I hear a howl of a soul as a large hand reaches out of the corpse, covered in black plates. It slowly crawls out as it stands up and stairs at me with it's two purple eyes before kneeling. "Deal with your body." I say as I now run towards a black dome.

'She said she could hold out for 5 minutes, and I guarantee it has been at max 3.' Every time my foot hits the ground, it trembles slightly under my mass and with a wave of my hand, the dome disappears to show an unharmed Winter. She looks shocked but suddenly lunges back, snarling as she yells, "What are you demon?!"

I stare at her for a moment before I realize, I probably do look like a demon in a sense. I suddenly use shadow morph as I shrink back to my regular size and remove my shadow armor. As it recedes, my purple hair and eyes are revealed. Her eyes go from scared to confused as I suddenly say, "It's me, Kurayami, will you please calm down!"

When she hears me, she stares at me for a moment and smells the air slightly before her eyes go from confused to worried as she runs toward me and shrinks down until she is her original self and immediately begins to look me over. Lifting up my chin and look around my body rapidly. "Are you hurt? I smell your blood, where are your wounds, I can try and tend to them." I grab her and hold her close to me as I try to quell her worries.

"I'm fine, I have more than 1 trick up my sleeve to heal myself." She nods and hugs me before suddenly turning around as she looks around, "Wait, did you deal with them all? I had smelled 5 different scents before." I nod, "Yeah, but they are all shadow soldiers now, so no need to worry."

She looks over at me with a slightly confused expression as she waves at the sea of black flames. "And who did this?" I scratch the back of my head as I kinda just shrug while saying, "It will eventually go out...." 'Hopefully.'

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Thanks for reading!

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