
[Chapter 38] I’m A What?

I sit there confused, "What's a divine beast?"

I look over at dad who has his face in his hand. "I forgot about them, I guess that would explain your...unique abilities Kurayami. I can't believe I never considered that possibility."

I look back and forth between my dad and the king. "What is a divine beast is my question!"

"Watch your manners!" The knight retorts, about to walk over and give my manner's a correction when the King's hand goes up.

"He is fine to question what a divine beast is, even you didn't know until a little while ago now. And you must apologize, or else you will be punished even more severely than you already are gonna be." The king says as he looks back at us.

"I'm sorry about him. So back to the main topic, a divine beast. I shall have my daughter tell you their tale." He motions towards the young girl beside him.

She nods and sits up straight, "I should introduce myself, I am Princess Aurora of Restard." She bows her head a bit.

I smile, my pristine teeth gleam in the light. She blushes slightly but quickly corrects herself.

"About the tale, there are beings that were created by our gods called divine beasts, they were made to keep peace which they did well till an evil god decided to create war. The divine beasts were forced to choose sides and fight to the death in a war that wasn't even theirs. They eventually killed eachother and the last one couldn't handle the burden so he took his life. They are dead but their powers search for someone who is worthy of it, and one of them chose you."

I sit there for a moment, the entire room is silent. 'This is a....unique turning point....' "But why come talk to me about it? I mean it is important news but why travel the entire way here?" I look from the king, to his daughter, to the orc. "And who is he if you don't mind me asking." I nod at the orc who is occupied by his book.

The orc looks over from his book and nods back, "Dreag, pleasure."

I inwardly sigh, seeing he isn't gonna explain who he is.

The king sees this and looks at me, "We believe your a divine beast because of your reaction to the stone. All divine beings have a special reaction to the stone and a unique affinity. But the most defining trait is a permanent effect on the body from the power such as my daughter for example. She is a divine beast as well and she has a permanent effect from it. Would you please show him?"

I look over just as she nods and removes her gloves, showing two blue webbed and scaled hands. I look at them in awe as she blushes from my stare.

The king looks back at me and continues to speak, "But I don't see any defining traits besides your eyes and teeth, not even a scale. Can you explain this?"

I look over at my dad who nods as if saying, "Go for it!"

I gently pry Blossom off and set her on the couch and I stand up, causing the knight to be caught off guard and taking a step back, gripping the sword's grip on his belt. Everyone including the orc stares at me, even if his face is still in the book. 'Semi-human dragon transformation.'

I start filling my coat with my mana, and I feel my new appendages grow from my back and my rear, my horns extend from my skull, their ethereal black smoke trailing off of them. My scales grow and cover my skin, making my once human form a dream.

The king and princess inwardly gasp from shock, the orc drops his book. But they all have one thought. 'He is a Dragonborn?' The knight looks at me with disgust. 'Damn Dragonborn.'

Blossom walks up to me cautiously and sniffs me before leaning back and pouncing upwards, her four arms grabbing onto me and licking my face. Winter sees this and purrs, seemingly trying to make sure I know he is still here. I giggle and pet them both.

The king looks at me and regains his cool. "I would like to ask you to come back to the castle and train your divine beast abilities under the oldest divine beast."

He motions towards the orc who picked up his book and is currently looking me up and down. Ping!


"New Quest."

"Royal Training."

"You have been invited by the king himself to have your divine beast abilities trained and honed by the best."

Goal: Make it to the King's castle

Reward: Title: Divine Beast


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