
Breaking Under Stress

About five days had passed since the day when the Fen clan agreed to join the alliance. 

The overall progress had been steady, and everything had been going well. Even the other members of the merchant council seemed to have stabilized by now and the initial panic after the massacre of the three clans was now mostly gone.

Though Shantung still seemed to be at a loss for what to do next. He had exhausted every means of contacting his backer but had gotten no response. At this point, he was close to believing that it might be his own backer that had massacred the three clans and was now refusing to answer him.

Shantung sat in his clan's mansion while nervously drinking some wine.

"Patriarch, you need to mediate. So much worrying is not good for you." A man spoke to Shantung.


Shantung put the cup of wine on the table with a clack before rubbing his forehead.

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