
Lured (being rewritten)

[Johan's POV]

Long hair tied in a messy bun, Uriel walked up to them like he's trying to star in a tourism promotional video while holding a bottle of sports drink; an aviator sunglasses sat atop his nose. The top three buttons of his Hawaiian shirt were undone, showing a good portion of the scale-like pattern tattoo on his man-cleavage.

Summer was already over in case he missed it, but boy, was he hot?

Johan shook himself. Focus. He could admire the man's features, but that's not the reason he invited him over through Raymond. He had work to do.

"Looks like you two are having fun." Uriel raised a fist, which Raymond bumped with his own. Then he offered the bottle to him.

"You're quick. Where were you?" Raymond asked, accepting the bottle as he stood.

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