
What Goes Around, Comes Around

[Adrian's POV]

Johan had answered none of his chats.

Adrian stared at the screen displaying Hansen Frost was online eight hours ago. He was on his last fifteen minutes break at the smoking area, hoping to catch Johan online, but he didn't have much luck today.

The trip must have exhausted Johan, and he was asleep right now. Was he with his cousin? From what he remembered, Sean has a boyfriend in Manila. He wondered what happened to Kristoff, now that Sean was away from him. He must have been lonely, too.

"I heard Fernandez hasn't shown up to work for more than a week now. Is he resigning?"

Adrian jolted from the woman's voice that pulled him out of his musings. He leaned away from the metal rails and turned to the former head of their department. "Ma'am Quinn."

Quinn raised a cigarette stick between her manicured fingers. "Do you have a lighter? I forgot mine on the table."

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