
Chapter Three Hundred And Thirty-seven: Ruler Of Hell

"Fiat lux, docebit Vos," Sabrina mumbled, inscribing something on Ashton's forehead while everyone else watched.

"This would guide you so you don't lose your motive. Hell can be pretty distracting and keep your focus. You know we're sacrificing you for a valid reason and for that, it would bind your demon side from making an unnecessary decision," She described. 

Since there was no other choice but to sacrifice her son, Lia had gone over what had happened to her twelve years with Sabrina. They can't help Ashton over there but they could prepare him and keep him updated on what to expect for a smooth trip. 

"Also, the mark would lead you directly to Daniel and there you can solicit for his release. We'd have the replacement ready on our side," Ashton was briefed by the witch. 

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