
Chapter 265: Follow The Links

The underground was exactly as I remembered it. Talk about a walk down memory lane. Ghosts lingered with me, though only those of my own making. Of finding my grandmother down here with Pender Tremere, summoning Alison's echo and trapping her in the living world again. Liam with me next, finding the upper chamber to the maji depository below. I ran one hand over the stone wall as I felt the way open for me, crossing into the round room of stone carved with the history of the Universe. Was it different now? Likely though I'd never had time to study it. Liam meant to, but time was never on our side.

The podium in the middle remained, calling to me and my hand. I pressed my fingers down into the stone where carved depressions waited, feeling the warmth of magic tingle from me into the rock. Maji power. I'd given it up when I'd joined the drach, but regardless my blood still ran with their lineage and the pedestal recognized me as one of them.

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