
Chapter 125: Priorities

I turned on Max, knowing he was right, but still pissed about the whole thing. "We could send drach guards," I said even as he turned away from me, marched toward the stairs. I had to hurry to keep up, hating I felt like a little kid at her disapproving father's side. "They could have their mock trial while we continue to question Belaisle."

Max ascended the stairs, broad back stiff. "You know that is impossible," he said.

"Why?" I pushed past him until I was in front of him, one hand on his chest to stop him. At least the stair I stood on gave me some height, though he still had six inches on me, easy. I was lucky he decided to stop and not just stomp his way over me. I might be practically invincible, but so was he. "Why can't we be flexible and allow them their small comfort?"

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