
Chapter 128: Johan Weyer (1515-1588 CE)

The Wizard

The famous Dutch wizard Johan Weyer lived from 1515 to 1588 CE. A noted daemonologist, he was a disciple of the famous wizard Cornelius Agrippa. He was also the author of De Praestigiis Daemonum et Incantationibus ac Venificiis (On the Illusions of Dæmons and on Spells and Poisons) in 1563, De Lamiis Liber (Book on Witches) in 1577, and the influential grimoire Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, (The False Kingdom of Dæmons), which contained a catalog of all of the major daemons and the appropriate rituals and times to conjure and kill them. Finally, he bravely criticized the witch hunts and burnings of his time as well as the Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of the Witches), the book the Catholic Church used to justify their torture and murder innocent mages and mundanes alike.

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