
Chapter 93: Hematite Wands

Hematite wands contain one or more hematites: a large one for the wand's end cap, a small one at the wand's tip, or small ones along the wand's length.


Hematite is a mineral form of iron oxide (Fe2O3). The exterior color of hematite used in wand crafting varies from black to steel or silver-gray, whereas the interior tends to be a reddish-brown. Hematite develops a mirror finish when polished, which could make steel-colored hematite appear to be metal rather than stone.

Ochre, which is a mixture of clay and from 20% to 70% of hematite, has been used as a pigment since prehistoric times.

Hematites are mostly mined in Brazil, Canada, China, England, the United States, and Venezuela.

Mystical Properties and Uses

Hematite has the following mystical properties:

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