
Chapter 60: Birch Wands

A birch wand is any wand that is crafted out of wood from a birch tree. More specifically, a birch wand is any wand that has a birch shaft, a birch handle, or both.

Birch Trees

Birch trees have the folk names: [White] Lady of the Woods, Tree of Birth, Pioneer Tree (because it is often one of first trees to return after a fire), Beith (Gaelic), Bereza, Berke, and Beth.

Birch trees are typically small to medium-sized trees that are widespread in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They tend to be short-lived and a pioneering tree that rapidly colonizes open ground, especially after a fire.

The wand maker has many choices when it comes to birch wood wands. Several common varieties are the American birch (Betula alleghaniensis) from North America, the Black birch (B. lenta) from North America, Red birch (B. papyrifera) from North America, and the silver birch (B. pendula) from the United Kingdom (especially Scotland) and North Western Europe.

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