
Chapter Forty-Four

Jim walked Gretta into the room they'd reinforced for holding people and removed everything from her that could be used as a weapon. It made a substantial pile.

"Don't cause any trouble," Jim said, "I'm going to talk to Division. If you're expecting your army friends to come and sweep you away, I would suggest you don't make any more work for them than you already have." He pointed up to the corner. "Video camera. It feeds to a computer here on site. Do anything stupid and we'll have it on tape.

"Don't I get a call to a lawyer?"

"Sure, when I can arrange a secure line for you. The last person to talk to a ‘lawyer' from here," Jim made air quotes when he said lawyer, "got himself shot on the way to Thompson."

"Is that a threat?"

"Just a warning, some people value silence over friendship."

Jim locked her in and went to his office.

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