
Chapter Thirty-Nine

It was like getting sucker punched. Darren went to his knees and gasped for air.

"I wanted to make sure they were real bullets." The War Chief put out his hand and Darren gripped it. He couldn't believe the casual strength this man had.

"My name is Rivers," the man said, "when we're just bullshitting. When we're talking business, you call me War Chief."

"Yes, War Chief," Darren said. Rivers put the safety on the gun and handed it back to Roger.

"Follow me." The War Chief walked back into the darkness and around a corner. Stopping to turn a lantern up he led Darren along tunnel to a room lit with more lanterns. "These vikings were smart," Rivers sat on a bench and waved for Darren to find a seat. "They have this whole place built so the air stays fresh. It makes it a bitch to heat, but we don't wake up dead in the morning. You'll be staying here with me and a few others. The rest are spread out on the land so we don't leave obvious trails for the Army."

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