
Chapter 45

Stan Dramowski answered his phone.

"Hello, Mr. Dramowski," a voice said, "This is Constable Dalrymple, we've been asked to investigate some issues at the school board and we were hoping that you'd be able to help us out."

Stan's heart started thumping. After everything, they were still on to him.

"I'm a bit busy today." He tried to sound both busy and casual. "How serious are these issues?"

"Someone heard the last Board financial statement hasn't been audited yet and suggested the last accountant added to their retirement fund from Board money."

"Frank?" Stan laughed with relief. "He's living in a one bedroom apartment in Winnipeg. Probably wishes he had stolen money. He'd be able to afford some real food if he had."

"Well, come in and answer a few questions. Then we can tell the person, we investigated and everything is clear."

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