
17: SABRINA- A Ghost Band And Not Being Believed

Ever since I got back from camp the abandoned house has been getting construction work done on it cause someone from the city bought it I guess. I have no idea who used to own it and nobody has moved in yet.

It's now been 2 weeks after I tried to steal Danny's photo so I gave him a break since his depression is still there and I feel bad for him. I haven't given up on trying to get proof though.

One day around one and a half months later(it's the end of August) I decided to walk down to Olivia's house to see if she wanted to hang out. She's been better friends with me ever since I dropped the topic about Danny since I still can't get proof. When I passed the old house I saw that it was painted a different color (a shade of teal) and there was a moving truck in the driveway!!!!!

I walked a little closer to it and saw that there were some people unpacking boxes that had a bunch of instruments and music supplies next to the closed garage. I sure wonder if they were the only ones who moved there or just hired workers. A few minutes later all the boxes were unpacked but nothing was happening. I was about to continue on to Olivia's house when Suddenly the garage door opened and a girl around my age held a big guitar with a few other people behind her unloading their instruments. She had a cool rockstar outfit on and her hair was dyed emerald green. I was about to walk up and tell her the details of the town and ask a few questions when suddenly she said "Hey girl! Do you like music? My name is Emerald McVenge and I am a rockstar who everyone loves!!!!"

Before I could even answer Emerald and her band started blasting their music in my face. It was pretty good. "She has the same style outfit as Ember McLain and sure like looks a lot like her but it's probably just someone pretending to be like Ember…" I thought.

When she finished the first song I said "that was awesome Emerald! I am one of your new neighbors and live in that purple house down there. Are you related to Emerald McLain? You sure look a lot like her." I asked and Emerald responded "OF COURSE NOT!!! I'm no ghost. I'm a young adult rock star that everyone in this town is gonna love. I just look a little like Ember cause I was inspired by her fashion." She yelled in my face. I apologized and walked away slowly back home but as I was walking back I heard Emerald start up her next song and tons of people came out to her music and were chanting her name. I snuck back and hid behind a bush. Emerald's hair was getting bigger, brighter green and looked like flame as they chanted. I also noticed her eyes were green!!!!! Now I knew that Emerald had to be a ghost. For a second I thought I saw my breath but I just ignored that and got a picture of her. Unfortunately I couldn't get a video of Emerald singing cause she finished the song and my mom texted me to come home. Since the people were still chanting her name I got a quick video of that and ran home to tell Danny and get help.

When I got home I couldn't find Danny at first so I decided to see if anyone else would believe me first. I saw Lily on the couch first so I ran straight to her. "Hi Lily. Have you seen Danny???!!!"

"No. What's wrong?" She answered.

"Do you remember the singer Ember McLain?" I asked and as soon as Lily said yes I told her the whole story that Danny described to me of how she was a ghost. Then I said "A new garage band moved in next door named Emerald and she looks identical to Ember! I think it's her daughter!"

At first Lily seemed terrified but then she just rolled her eyes and said "Ha Ha Sabrina. That's just another fake story to try to scare me." She also thought I created the photos on my Phone with an app.

I had an urge that Danny was somewhere downstairs (maybe using the portal) so I ran down.

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