
14: DANNY - Missing The Glory Days

Before we left Amity Park I had an album filled with photos of all the ghosts I fought and all of my friends. There were so many pictures of me fighting the ghosts and transforming and I remember pleading with my parents to let me keep the album and bring it with me. They said I could as long as I only brought the normal ones of my friends, family and real people from Amity park. They even made me burn the old ones to prove I didn't bring them. I remember crying all night long back then.

Two weeks after Sabrina found out my secret she was still always been trying to find a way to prove I'm a ghost but now she's at camp probably telling the kids Ghost stories there even though her parents don't want her to. While she's gone I'm just going through a phase of depression staring at the photos of the album wishing I had the old ones of the ghosts. I have also been texting and calling Sam and Tucker like crazy too but they're busy. I think Samantha might even go to college soon.

It's now been around two weeks since Sabrina went to camp(I think she's coming home soon) and my depression is just about at its worst so I just had to see if Sam and/or Tucker could do a video chat with me today. Luckily they both said yes when I texted to ask them and then I told them I just needed a few minutes to get to a good private spot before contacting them. I don't want my parents to know that I'm still contacting Sam and Tucker, and I didn't want my parents to see me if I transformed to show Sam.

I decided the best place to be/hide would be the house where I had rebuilt the portal before bringing it to the storage room, so I asked my parents if it was ok if I went out for a walk. When they said yes I headed out to the house and saw that it was much more fixed up now and all the sealed off places were starting to get opened/fixed. I wonder if someone has now claimed that property from the city and is having the house fixed up before moving in I thought. There was no car in the driveway but I still thought it would be safer to phase in just in case anyone was inside. Inside the house was also starting to get cleaner. Just in case someone did come I found a closet that wasn't dusty and hid inside as I called Tucker and Sam.

The first one to pick up was Sam and she sure looked happy to see my face but still sounded depressed.

"Hi Danny. How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm ok. I really miss the glory days of Amity Park and Danny Phantom though." I responded and right when Sam was about to respond Tucker called and joined/interrupted the conversation.

"Hi Danny and Sam! What's up guys?" He asked.

"Nothing much. By the way Sam? Was there something you were about to say in response to my last sentence?" I asked.

"Uh…No." She said but I could tell Sam was blushing a little.

"We REALLY miss you and Danny Phantom. Everyone at school and town also seems to." Said Tucker.

"I really wish I could fight ghosts again and be with you guys. Now that I'm here the older girl is just annoying and trying to tell everyone that I'm half ghost." I said.

"Why does she think that?" Sam asked looking a little suspicious.

"Uh…she saw one of the pictures in my album of me changing into a ghost." I said but I had a feeling they knew I was lying.

"I don't think so." Said Tucker.

"Did you get your powers back??!!" Sam asked excitedly.

"I'm going ghost!" I said as I transformed for them.

Sam nearly fainted, and then I told them how I did it and exactly what happened with Sabrina. They gave me a few more tips on a how to keep my powers a secret and still be able to use the portal secretly.

"I really wish I still had the photos of the ghosts I used to fight back in the glory days that my parents made me burn." I said.

"Why didn't you say so Danny? I have them all on my computer still and can email them to you. Do the Spirats have a printer?" Asked Tucker.

"Yes." I answered and then he told me he'd send them all tonight.

Sam just couldn't stop looking happy about how I was half ghost again. She also looked pretty sad too though so I said "don't worry Sam. I can make a duplicate of myself and then warp over to see you. Bye guys.". Then I hung up, turned back to normal and headed home. The next day I got all of Tucker's emails of the photos, printed them on photo paper and then hid them in the album.

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