
Chapter 30

Walking out of the house towards the location of Raynare and her little friends he thought back to breakfast time this morning with Rias, she wouldn't stop glaring at him like he had wronged her somehow. He had a feeling that he knew what it was about but didn't see the need to say something to Rias about him and Akeno it was their business. So they ate in silence with Rias staring daggers at Sephiroth who couldn't be bothered to indulge her by acknowledging her silent question.

While walking toward his destination he came about a most interesting situation he saw Issei talking to a young girl whose attire consisted of a dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip (where she probably holds her Bible), and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern. She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck. When Sephiroth saw this person the first thought that came to his head was that she was clearly a nun and she was talking to a devil the situation almost made him laugh at the irony of it all.

There was something special about this girl and he could feel it so he decided to check real quick and he wasn't disappointed she had a decent amount of magical power inside her body well above average meaning that she had a sacred gear as well but she was pure human.

Interested now in her he decided to join their conversation to learn more about this girl before he went to deal with the fallen angels in the church.

"Hello there Issei, who is your friend"

"Ugh, Sephiroth this is Asia Argento and she just got into town and is lost apparently and I was going to help her find the church in town" Issei said but in a tone that stated that he got this and that he should go away.

When Sephiroth heard his tone of voice he wondered if he knew that she was a nun or not and that he should go to the church even if it is abandoned being that he was a devil but then he remembered that this kid always thinks with his dick instead of his brain.

"Yes Issei-san has been most helpful in offering to help me out here" Asia said with a blush on her face when she looked at Sephiroth because of how handsome he looked in her opinion. Add to the fact that he is staring at her so intently made her embarrassed due to her sheltered lifestyle before coming here.

"Why don't I show you where it is, I have been there before and this guy has school in a little bit," Sephiroth said pointing at Issei who looked embarrassed because he got essentially caught trying to ditch school to hang out with a girl he just met.

"Hey wait you have class as well" Issei said to counter Sephiroth because if he couldn't show her around he wasn't going to let him do it either.

"I'm excused for the rest of the week by the school as you are not" Sephiroth said making a shooing motion with his hand, pissing off Issei but he didn't know what else to say now. Sephiroth had been where she was looking for and was free right now where he didn't know where the church was exactly and he had to be to school soon.

Resigning himself to fate that he wasn't going to get to spend time with Asia today he gave up but not before sending the handsome dick a glare for ruining his fun. Not forgetting to say bye to Asia and promise to meet up with her at another time.

"Thank you Sephiroth-sama for helping me" bowed Asia to him, Sephiroth just waved it off not seeing the point to her being so polite to him he was going there anyway.

As they started walking down the street toward the church on the edge of town, Asia stomach made a loud growl that it would hard not to hear, showing just how hungry she really is right now. But this sweet girl didn't even mention anything and kept quiet about it.

"Won't don't we get something to eat then?" Sephiroth led her to a local food stall that sells Takoyaki and Asia just nodded her head embarrassed to say anything right now because of her stomach.

"Thank you Sephiroth-sama, while in the church I never got a chance to try something like this before. I was always confined inside and very rarely did I get to go outside for anything. Everything was brought to me and the only people I got to see were people of the church and the others that needed my help healing themselves" Sephiroth was curious now when she said heal them, and immediately thought of a sacred gear that had to do with healing that he learned about from Sitir library.

"So you can heal others then would you be willing to show me it" to where Asia just nodded her head to his question and looked around but there weren't many people walking the street right now and the ones that were there were not injured so she didn't know what to do.

Sephiroth seeing her look around figured he knew what she was looking for so he decided to help her out a bit, he cut himself with some wind magic on his hand when she wasn't looking and presented to her his injury.

Asia was confused on how he got hurt when they weren't even doing anything and no one was by them but due to her pure nature she didn't question it and started healing his cut on his hand. A green glow came out of her hands and the source of it looked like the two rings on her fingers were producing the light. He felt her healing him and it was a pleasant feeling to say the least, very similar to when he uses his own spells to heal himself or senjutsu to do it.

"There all done Sephiroth-sama, I hope you feel better now" Asia said to him checking his hand further to see if it is completely healed till it dawned on her that she was holding a boys hand and a handsome one at that making her blush and retract her hand quickly.

"S..s..sorry Sephiroth-sama I got carried away there checking your hand" Asia stammered out hoping that her possible new friend wasn't put off by her action.

"It's fine, and just call me Sephiroth no need for sama" he flashed her a small smile making her blush again because of his action making her heartbeat faster.

"Yyyes of course Sephiroth"

"Why are you headed to the church Asia?"

"Lady Raynare and her friends invited me to come stay with them for a bit. I didn't have anywhere else to go after the church kicked me out for healing someone I shouldn't have. I'm still confused about it because God teaches us to be kind to all creatures and help those in need." (no idea if that is true but in this world it is) Asia explained to him, letting Sephiroth know that she was a part of the church but was kicked out recently. When Sephiroth heard who she was going to meet he knew that whatever they had planned for this little native girl wasn't going to be good. Just another reason to deal with them now, he wouldn't let someone like this suffer at their hands. She reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite place it.

"I see, I take it that the person that you healed wasn't a human was he?"

"No, he was a devil I found out later but that doesn't change anything because I still would have helped him regardless" Asia says with some determination in her voice but it truly shows how native and pure she is if there wasn't going to be any issues with doing that.

While walking to the church on the edge of town, the two talked about her life in the church before she was kicked out until they got out front of the church. Asia was surprised because she thought that she was going to a proper church but this one looked to be in need of serious repair but being Asia figured that they were just falling on hard times.

"Asia you finally made it, we have been waiting for you" Dohnaseek said dressed up as a priest right now instead of what would be his usual outfit. Sephiroth knew who he was and knew he wasn't a priest at all but Asia didn't know that and wanted to play along to see what is happening here.

"Hello Head priest Dohnaseek, I'm Asia Argento" she bowed to him as a welcome and thankful that someone wanted her after being let go from the church.

"It's no problem child, lady Raynare and a few others are inside right now eagerly waiting for you. Why don't you step inside while I speak to this young gentleman you brought with you." He gestured for Asia to go inside quickly, he wanted to deal with this random kid so that they could move along with their plan. Unaware that Sephiroth already knows who they are and won't be intimidated by some weak fallen angel.

Dropping his nice persona he just had for Asia "Listen kid, I don't know who you are but why don't you fuck off." he threaten with some of his magical pressure thinking that would be enough to scare off this kid.

Sadly that didn't work because it didn't even work on him if his reaction was anything to go by and even when he increased it, this kid didn't show any visible reaction again.

Sephiroth was mildly annoyed that this low level fallen angel would try and use his magical pressure against him "And if I don't what are you going to do?" he threatened back daring him to do something against him.

Surprised that this boy would say something like that he decided to just kill him and get this over with, he was tired of being nice here. As if you could even call what he said and do as being nice.

"Then you can just die" Dohnaseek then charged and launched a light spear at Sephiroth right toward his chest planing on ended this in one strike he had places to be as you know.

When he thought that the kid was scared because he wasn't moving or doing anything else for the matter, he saw him simply turn his body and the light spear went right by him. This surprised and shocked Dohnaseek because he thought his fast light spear would have hit and killed him in one hit.

"Who the hell are you, you are clearly not a normal human?" Dohnaseek said while charging up two more light spears.

"I am your despair" Sephiroth said in a cold tone of voice unleashing his single black wing and drawing out his sword Zetsubo from the summoning circle he made.

"You're a fallen angel as well, are you working for lord Azazel or lord Kokabiel?" Dohnaseek said he hoped to avoid fighting this guy because he can sense some of his power now and he knows he isn't a match for him. He just wants to live at this point so he hopes that he can come to an agreement of some kind with him.

"It doesn't matter to you because you're going to die soon"

"Wait wait wait, we can talk about this right kid" Dohnaseek said while slowly backing up toward the main church entrance hoping that his group members can help him survive.

Sephiroth ignored his plea to wait and then got into a drawing stance and used [Transience]: A single slash which hits several times before knocking the foe backwards.

Standing on the other side of Dohnaseek from using his attack and his back turned to him now he heard what were his last words "why just why" and then Dohnaseek started to fall apart literally into tiny pieces from his attack into a bloody pile of parts on the ground.

Swiping his sword on the ground getting off the leftover blood "why not" then burned the body with a simple fire spell. Sephiroth knew that he alerted everyone that was in the Church by now with his actions of killing Dohnaseek.

While Sephiroth was outside the other three inside with Asia tensed up and got scared when they felt Sephiroth's magical pressure and then got even more scared when they sensed that Donhnaseek's presence disappeared completely.

They knew whoever did that is incredibly strong or at the very least stronger than them because they knew they wouldn't have been able to kill Dohnaseek without paying a price for it, not to mention that quickly like this person did.

Raynare turned to Asia hoping that she knew who this person was since this happened right after Asia got here. "Asia dearest, did you come with someone?"

"Yes I did lady Raynare, Sephiroth brought me here. He was really nice to me and fed me and we talked about stuff. Why did you want to know?" Asia asked, tilting her head to the side looking up to Raynare.

Internally Raynare was pissed and scared because this dumb little girl brought a catastrophe to them all without even knowing it and now she had to find a way out of this. Her plan to get Asia's sacred gear is going to have to wait till she finds out what is going on out front hopefully he is someone that they can bribe or something.

"Why don't you come stand next to me Asia. I'm sure the head priest will invite your friend in and we should receive him properly don't we" Raynare said in a sweet motherly tone, trying to get Asia to stand next to her so that she can use her as a shield if need be.

"But of course lady Raynare, Sephiroth is sure to come inside if he is asked" Asia walked to stand next to Raynare unaware that what she said is partially true he is coming inside but not because he was invited.

Mittelt and Kalawarner were quiet this whole time but they were ready to fight whoever came to them and stood behind Raynare but several feet apart so that they would be able to surround whoever came to attack them.

Then a large bang noise was heard, the big massive church doors in the entrance were blown off their hinges and set flying toward the four of them. Where the two massive doors went straight toward Mittelt and Kalawarner moving far too quick for them to react and they were crushed by them and slid into the bench seats.

If you're wondering why he hit those two perfectly it is because Sephiroth sensed where those four were and knew who was who based on their aura leading to the two getting crushed right away.

Raynare was scared when she saw her two group members taken out by flying massive doors and wondered if they were dead or not from the impact. While Asia was wondering what was going on and if she should run to those two and see if she can help them or not. All Raynare could hear now was the slow footsteps that echoed in the church.

"Who are you damn it?" Raynare screamed, dropping her act of being a sweet nun unleashing her fallen angel form confusing Asia on why she changed all a sudden.

While steeping finally into the church completely "I am your executioner" Sephiroth stated finally to give Raynare and Asia a full view of his true form a one winged black angel.

Seeing that it is a fellow fallen angel, Raynare thought that she had a chance to survive this finally and decided to use her body to win this guy over so that maybe he will join her side as well.

Before Raynare can speak, "Asia, why don't you come over here for a bit" Sephiroth gestured for her to come stand next to him. Asia looked confused and conflicted but she trusted Sephiroth more since she spent most the day with him so she walked to him. While Raynare wanted to stop her she had the feeling that as soon as she tried to touch Asia she might lose the body part something in Sephiroth's eyes told her that and she wasn't going to go against her instincts now. So Asia was able to safely make it to the Sephiroth side uninjured.

"What was your plan with her Raynare?" Sephrioth spoke in a threatening voice.

"Why should I tell you bastard" she screamed back trying to put up a brave front to him.

He then sent a massive [Thundaga] to the door that had Mittelt under it right when it started to move showing that she was about to get free. It completely encased the door and everything around it and burned everything in it to ash and dark scorch marks everywhere in the spell area. Mittelt didn't even have a chance to scream before she was effectively killed by Sephiroth never knowing who her enemy was.

Raynare was shocked at this development and knew that she would never be able to match that power in her lifetime. This is the feeling that she got when she saw him so casually end a life and not show a damn thing on his face like what he did was nothing great.

Asia covered her mouth and had tears in her eyes seeing that a life just ended like that but knew that Sephiroth had to have a reason for it, she at least hoped that was the case.

"Now I'm going to ask again, dare not to answer I'll kill the other one as well" Raynare knew that he would do it so she saw no reason to not tell him she didn't want to lose Kalawaner as well because of this situation if she can help it. She figured that telling him gave her a better chance at staying alive at least.

Raynare then explained what they had planned to do to Asia and her sacred gear and why Raynare wanted it for herself. When Asia heard why they brought her here she was heartbroken and didn't know what to say. She was happy that someone wanted her but they didn't want her but her ability to heal others just for themselves.

"I was asked to eliminate this group from the area by a friend"

"You have two choices. Raynare serve me as a subordinate till I deem to free you or die much like your other two friends. The choice is yours?" Sephiroth stated to her shocking the girl that she would get a chance to live through this ordeal and she wasn't going to kick a gift horse in the mouth.

"Yes I'll serve you lord Sephiroth" Raynare said, getting down on a single knee showing her pledge of loyalty to him. Sephiroth just nodded his head and waved for her to get up from the ground. Asia was confused about what just happened now but was happy that no one else had to die now at least.

A few moments later Kalawarner got up by blasting the door off her body and she looked roughed up because of the damage the door did to her body. She focused more on magic than her body so it was physically weak and a flying massive door launched at her by Sephirtoh can really hurt.

"Damn that hurt, Raynare, why are you just standing there hurry up and attack this guy with me, he killed Dohnaseek." She screamed out trying to get her friend to attack him right now unaware that Mittelt is already dead too.

Raynare shakes her head at her friend "I can't attack my master Kalawarner, maybe if you ask nicely lord Sephiroth will allow you to serve him too" Raynare stated hoping that her friend caught her hidden meaning so that she will live through this.

Sadly it wasn't meant to be "The fuck you say no way will I serve this guy, he can go fuck himself" and that was the last thing she said before a magic circle was under her feet and a giant pillar of dark flames shot up into the air completely encasing Kalawarner who screamed at the pain she felt before she completely disappeared much like how Mittelt did earlier.

Raynare just shook her head, while she was sad her friend died. She cared more about her life than her friend's life's something almost all fallen angels can agree to. Asia was sad for the second loss of life but knew that Sephiroth did it for a reason and who she was to question her new friend. Well she thinks that she is his friend at least.

Yup longest chapter ever for me I'm tired now think I'm taking a power nap.

Next we get to meet a fired chicken soon how fun will that be

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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