
Planning a Heist 2

As the blinding light fades away, Serabane's figure slowly comes into view and she's still making those weird poses. Although I don't have much hope for it, I try to use my Draconic Insight on her, but rather than receiving the same response as the last time I tried, the System message changed. Before it only said my authority wasn't high enough, but now I'm being told she doesn't exist within the System.

Seems like she noticed what I was up too as Serabane covers herself with her arms as if she were trying to hide her body as she says in her usual cheerful voice, "Sorry my peeping student, I know it's been a while like ten years but little Serabane-chan is married now~, oh and I don't swing that way. Maybe you should try your luck with someone else who isn't married, but I'm glad you appreciate my body~."

With the exception of Lia and Yue who understand how Serabane is, everyone else glances my way as they take a step back as if I'm some kind of pervert. Wait, I just glossed over something important, since when the hell was she married? Wait, I'm interested in the details but that's not it, what does she mean ten years?

"I see, I see, it's not just the former student of my adorable self~, but her friend is also got a peeping hobby, how lewd~, but that won't work on me, little missy~."

Closing her eyes, Aurelia shakes her head, "I've known her for less than a minute and I'm already annoyed with her. She's even worse than what you told me."

"Yeah, I know how you feel," I say.

"Aww, thanks for the compliement~."

""That's not a compliment!"" Both Aurelia and I shout.

Having a bit more composure than us, Yue asks, "what do you mean by ten years? a week hasn't even passed yet since we last parted ways."

"For uhh, reasons, can I ask how you got married?" Lia asks, sending a quick glance my way.

"Ten years is ten years, you silly bird~, just what else could it possibly mean. It took the cute genius, Serabane-chan, ten years to get this marriage working, so I came back for some fun~. And as for how it happened..." she pauses and looks each of us in the eye as Lia, Wanjing, and Boshi, lean in a little closer as she says, "it's a secret."

With the exception of me, Yue, and Lia, the others are stunned at the pause for no answer as the three of us recover quickly, being we're used to her antics. Being the first to respond, Lia asks, "do you mean your marriage or the ten years?"


"We probably aren't going to get an answer out of her on this topic so lets move on, why are you here?" I ask.

"My how rude~, you shouldn't speak that way to a Goddess, I want to speak with your manager," Serabane says.

With a dumbfounded expression on my face, I ask, "where the hell did you learn that?"

"Serabane-chan's wonderful husband said that it's a good phrase to use to cause trouble."

"I'm surprised you easily admitted your intention to cause trouble but seriously, why are you here?" I ask.

"To cause trouble," she says as if it were a completely normal thing to do.

While I've pretty much had it with dealing with her, Lia says, "What you mean is that you are trying to cause trouble for someone else and we just happen to be nearby as collateral damage, right?"

"Correctomundo~, I always knew my former assistant had a good head, a shame it pales in comparison to the amazing Magical Girl Serabane-chan~. It just so happens that I can get multiple people into the Tower, all you have to is drop a few things off in a handful of areas within the Tower."

"And just what is it you want us to drop off?" Yue asks.

"It's these," Serabane says, pulling out a few brown and dark brown pellets, "this is called F.E.C.E.S, I want a few peopled to have a bad day."

"We know what it is based off the smell, so can you please put those piece of shits away," I say.

"Uhh, so, who are you?" Boshi asks.

"Glad you asked~," Serabane says, "everyone's adorable genius who's eternally seventeen~! Coming to save the day from the pits of despair~ it's Magical Girl Serabane-chan~ Version Goddess~!" she says while making another weird pose.

"You may know her better as the Mountain Destroyer, that Demigod who had lived for who knows how long just outside of the city. Just under a week ago she became a true Goddess," Yue explains.

Aurelia is annoyed with her and doesn't have much of a reaction to her, but while Wanjing is just looking at her as if she was a strange creature, the other three give the feeling of a researcher observing a wild animal, with a gaze full of curiosity.

We begin to push or heist plans forward with Serabane's help, but with how she usually acts, I can't help but feel like we're in even more danger.

She's back and I got lazy with the title. A bit of a short chapter as it is just a direct continuation of the previous one.

Originally I just wanted to make a mech because they're cool, it was just going to be a short thing to give Cordelia an army to play with, but somehow I ended up trying to steal precious goods from a group of Demigods.

Have a nice day everyone.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts
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