

After returning to our room at the inn, we take a seat on the bed as I proceeded to explain to Lia about what I know in relation to the later parts of the day's events. How I was originally a human from another world and how he killed me, that Akkre is almost certainly the architect of the System, as well as the events that led up to this point, including what I know about the 'Seed of Calamity' title.

"So you are actively picking a fight with a God who is essentially the creator of our world, while at the same time that same God is actively egging you on. Then to complete this objective, you are trying to evolve into a monster that has the potential to completely ruin the world. And all this, just because he upset you a couple of times."

"Yeah, that's basically the gist of it."

"That sounds very illogical and completely like something you would do. I don't understand why you're so angry with him anyways though."

"At first it was just a heat of the moment thing when I was upset with him. He did rant on for a while when we first met then moments later admit that everything he said was pointless with the sole purpose of trying to rile me up. In essence, he is a very annoying person, but even then that's only enough to get him onto my hit list."

"Wait, what hit list?"

"It's just a mental note of all the people I need to get around to killing, like that guy who called me an old hag back in Siriliam."

"You still remember that..."

"Of course, I make it a point to remember everyone who makes it on to my hit list, like those Wilson kids from when I first fought with humans. Anyway, as I was saying, Akkre constantly make moves against me, like making sure the details section of my status insults me in some way or giving me pointless berating titles. And from what he said earlier, my encounters with Cetus have been his fault too. More like, give me a reason not to hate his gust, just speaking with is difficult with to do without getting the urge to punch his face."

Stretching my arms out, I say, "Despite not having been tired after our encounter in the forest, I'm exhausted after speaking with Akkre, so I think I'm gonna sleep for a littl--"

Interrupting me, Lia suddenly pushes me down on the bed, "Not so fast. Don't think I forgot that you were due for some punishment tonight."

"Did you not hear me say I was ti--"

Lia interrupts me again but this time with a kiss to seal my lips and prevent any protest from me. I said I was tired but I meant that I was mentally exhausted, yet I can't seem to muster any strength. But I quickly found out from my status I was being affected by something called, 'The Debuff of Eternity', and it has the effect of reducing all my stats by 95%. Fuck off, you shitty God!

Trying to ease the situation, I call out to Lia with the Soul Connection, {I really want to rest, can we please do this tomorrow?}

{Not a chance.} Lia quickly replies, {Since I've already gone this far, there's no way am I backing down now}

So this is how my first time is going to go...


"How wonderful, yuri is great. But those covers are in the way... maybe I should get rid of them." I mumble aloud.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" Tsuki yells as a roundhouse kick sends me flying away.

After stumbling through the air for a couple of minutes, Tsuki appears in front of me and catches me right before I crash into a mountain. And while I'm in her arms, I say, "Jealous much?"

"Yes, but that's not the point, you shouldn't be peeping in on other peoples private time like that. Instead, you should be spending time with me."


"Choose your next words carefully," Tsuki says whilst revealing a pair of scissors.

"Let's go to that amusement park on Earth, the one with the mouse."

"That sounds like fun, but isn't the council already pretty upset with your previous visit to Earth. Are you sure it's a good idea to go right now?"

"I'm pretty sure one of our descendants is working there, we can just use them as an excuse. Visiting family is the only way for us to hang around in the mundane realm after all."

"Oh yeah, I forgot one of them worked there. It was one of Frederica's twins if I recall.

"Both actually," I say as we warp over to Earth.

~~~~~~Akkre End~~~~~~

As the sun shines in through the window, I open my eyes to find that the night has passed and Lia is calmly sitting in a nearby chair watching me as if nothing happened.

"You seem well rested, got anything to say, like I don't know, maybe a sorry?"

"Nope. My skin is all glossy and I know even without looking into your mind that you enjoyed it. Especially with all the noise you made, I'm sure that anyone staying in the nearby rooms heard you last night. Although that didn't stop me from looking into your head anyway."


"By the way, recorded the whole thing with an arcane memory stone."


"For research of course... personal research."

After a bit of wrestling, I manage to swipe the stone away from Lia, much to her disappointment. And despite her pouting, we head off towards the factories we couldn't visit yesterday to begin our investigation.

A bit of a short chapter. One of the ideas that I had for this little event was that the duo would wake up and find that Cordelia had produced an egg as a result of their little tumble. But I didn't want to deal with the aftermath and how to handle the egg so I didn't go through with it, but I might return to the idea in the future. I'll think about it.

Have a nice day everyone.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts
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