
The Determined Hunter

"Title, 'The Sea Dragon's Inheritor', as a reward for obtaining this Title, the Sea Dragon is a permanently available evolution option."

"The Sea Dragon is the common ancestors of all Sea Snakes, Sea Serpents, and Sea Drakes. A species that has been extinct for over 100 million years, but the reason for their extinction is still unknown. Unlike its descendants, the Sea Dragon is capable of shorts burst of terrestrial activity but if the Sea Dragon is out of water for too long it will begin to lose health until death. The Sea Dragon shares many traits with its descendants, such as its large size and venomous properties, and as a dragon has access to elemental breath attacks. As a monster above tier 5, the Sea Dragon is capable of evolving from an Adult into an Elder, this will also prevent any subsequent evolutions. Much like the Sea Drake, the Sea Dragon can also evolve into a fully terrestrial monster as an adult, however, it has more options than the Sea Drake. As Young, they are bigger than an Adult Sea Drake, capable coiling around large ships several times over, however, they will not grow bigger as Adults. Due to the Title, 'The Sea Dragon's Inheritor', total biomatter requirements have been waived, additionally, consumed biomatter has been reduced from 4,000 to 3,000."

So does this mean something bad is going to happen soon? Every time anything good happens to me, it is also followed by misfortune. I just hope that whatever happens, I don't have another legendary monster chasing me. This thought is a little depressing, I should focus on the good news. So short explanation would be its just a bigger and better Sea Drake. If the System just said that it would have been much easier than that long block of information. The higher biomatter requirements is a little bit of a downer but the payoff seems to be well worth it. Goodbye Sea Drake and hello Sea Dragon.

Leaving the cavern and returning back through the tunnel, I double-check and still find no small fish or even larger aquatic life, nor is there anything weak or small enough on the shore to kill and eat. At least with the consumption of the egg, I got most of my health back but I'm not too keen on returning back down the waterfall to find a big angry predator waiting for me. Oh, couldn't I just eat some plants? Now that I think about it, one of the Oroboros requirements was to eat 250,000kg of plant matter so I should be able to eat plants to pump up my biomatter.

A little searching is all that's needed as I quickly find a large tree close to the lake. Before jumping ahead and eating the entire tree, I bite off a small branch to make sure nothing goes wrong. After retreating back a little and seeing nothing happen, I swallow the branch. It takes several minutes to fully digest the branch but eventually the I hear the System tell me that I received 10kg of biomatter. Only getting 10kg from something as large as a human is somewhat disappointing. I called it a branch but that was simply from my oversized perspective, since a normal human would probably not call it a branch but a small tree. But from its size and the amount of biomatter is disproportionate, seems that the efficiency of eating plants is much lower than eating living beings. This is probably because of the abundance of plant life and that living creatures tend to have more nutrients.

Waiting a little longer after having digested the branch, still, nothing happens. So I'm safe... something is going to happen, I just know it. But for now, I should keep eating the plants within reach. With that in mind, I begin to devour all the plant life that is within the vicinity of the lake. After eating about a quarter of all plant life near the lake and waiting several hours to digest it all, I receive 243kg of biomatter. If I keep this up I should be just a few hundred kilograms away from having enough biomatter to evolve. There's just one problem... I don't think I can eat anymore. I've eaten so much that I think I'll be full for the next few days. As a matter of fact, I think I overate, my stomach hurts...

Over the course of several months, I had been repeating the process of eating all the plant life I possibly could before I throw up then reel in pain for a day from overeating, and once I feel better I repeat the process. Currently, I am resting in the cavern after eating most of the remaining plant life that surrounds the lake. Why rest in the dark cavern over the sunny lake? I didn't mention it? I had to fight for all this food and managed to upset nearly all the herbivores around here by completely removing their food source.

After I had recovered from overeating from when I first started this endeavour, the herbivores tried to stop me from repeating the first case. Since I had eaten every part leaving nothing left to grow, they had noticed the problem this would lead to. This led to a few skirmishes and eventually I had no choice but to drag everything I uprooted back to the cavern to eat, not like I was actually able to fight them after all. Uprooting the trees and dragging them underwater to the cavern left me vulnerable to attacks, but since most of them didn't have a way to hit me from range nor could they swim well, I got away with minimal damage. But I knew my luck wouldn't last and after I returned from the second serving the big guns arrived, no they were more like cannons. I already had trouble with the monsters who were already there as they were all stronger than me in a straight fight but of course, all good luck is returned with the equivalent bad luck. Large Sauropods had arrived and these guys were nothing like the ones I am familiar with from earth. They were called Ignisauros when I used Analysis and just as the name suggests, they could shoot fucking fire from their mouth! I'm only still alive because the water heavily weakened their attacks. I spent the entire month sneaking around and trying to uproot trees without anything noticing... yeah I can't do that, I'm too big. Thanks to them what should have only taken a couple of weeks at most turned into nearly four months. But I'm not dead yet and I managed to collect 947kg of biomatter, bring my current amount to 2,754kg. Completely worth pissing off every herbivore around the lake.

But now I have a new problem. I've run out of food. I had already confirmed the lack of aquatic life in this area and the monsters that come near the shore are all far stronger than me, not to mention the fact that they will attack me on sight now. I could evolve into a Sea Drake right now for an instant boost in power, but I would such a waste with the Sea Dragon evolution right before my eyes. I would also be missing out on the max level bonus, so I still need to level up more. Even if I try to run and go back down the waterfall, it would still most likely end up with my death. I had peaked over the cliffside a not too long ago and for some godforsaken reason that damned mosasaur it still just sitting at the bottom! We even made eye contact and it tried to climb the waterfall like I previously did, thankfully it has yet to be successful. But every now and then I hear a big bang, and it gets louder every time, it's still trying and it's getting closer every time it tries. Sooner or later that monster is gonna make it up here and then I'll really be in trouble.

From within the cavern, I hear the loudest bang yet as the water trembles. Soon the water begins to heat as the water gets rougher and rougher, waves crashing into the side of the cavern. The water soon calms but I still feel something large moving under the water, it's coming. Backed into a corner I prepare for my last stand as the Mosasaur enters my sight. But what I saw was not what I was expecting. The mosasaur is nearly burnt to a crisp, looking as if was cooked alive with various open wounds all over its body.

Name: N/A

Race: Adult Mosasaurus

Tier: 5

Titles: River Hunter, Determined Hunter

Level: 8

State: Heavily Injured

HP: 49/1,882 MP: 400/400 SP: 4/1,553

STR: 1,717

VIT: 534

DEX: 755

INT: 94

WIS: 365

MND: 87

Details: A large predator of shallow waters and rivers that is thought to have gone extinct 66 million years ago. Once they have their eyes set on their prey they won't stop until either it or its prey are dead. This determination can often lead to injury or death.

This is really anticlimactic. But I won't turn down a free kill. Despite its injuries, the mosasaur chooses to charge at me but given its current state, it dies as I hit it with an Acid Beam and my tail. it still managed to get a bite off almost killing me in a single hit, taking my HP down to 23, even without the sufficient stamina for a strong hit. Turns out making all the herbivores paranoid over the monsters of the water and putting them into an enraged was a great idea, I always knew I was a genius.

"You have slain a Level 8 Adult Mosasaurus. You have gained 752 EXP. Because you have slain a monster of a higher tier, you have gained and an additional 20%(150) EXP. Because you have slain a monster of a higher evolutionary state, your total EXP has doubled. You have gained a total of 1,804 EXP and 547kg biomatter. You have reached Level 10. Evolution required to level further."

Without a second thought, I immediate choose to evolve into a Sea Dragon upon fully digesting the mosasaur. Like before a large cacoon begins to form around me as I lose focus and my consciousness fades. With a matter of seconds, the cacoon completely surrounds my and I fall asleep.

I tried to build up this big battle with the scary mosasaur that was supposed to be far stronger than Cordelia only to let everyone down by handing her a completely free kill. Well, not completely free as it did still manage to almost kill her.

So this entire Sea Dragon thing was not in any of my plans at all but the idea came to me yesterday and I thought it was cool and that turned into the latter half of the previous chapter and this one right here.

This will probably be the last day I'll keep the question of land or sea open. If we go for land it will probably be another 15~20ish chapters before we get another evolution to transition to a terrestrial monster. otherwise, it will probably be double that. I am however almost completely incapable of following my own plans so only time will tell how this works out.

Have a nice day.

Akkre_Kojuuincreators' thoughts
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