
Jimin oppa

I opened the letter and read.

It said:

"Dear y/n,

I didn't have time to explain you everything. But here's the thing. I'll explain why Jimin was drunk yesterday later. The main reason is, I, Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are going for a work in Gwangju. Jimin will be at our house, you can stay at Jimin's, cause it's easy for you to go to college. And few of my friends stay there, so I feel you're safe there.

This is a small gift for you. I should've told you before but I didn't get the right time, I'm sorry. Take care. I'll come soon. Miss you."

I felt sad that I couldn't spend time with Tae oppa yesterday cause I'd not miss him if I had spent a day with him. Anyways, Im happy for him.

I opened the gift and it was a cute little, heart keychain. It had a name 'TATA'. So cute. I hung it in my bag.

I took my things and kept it in the car and left to college.

I felt exhausted by doing everything at once. I moved here and there continuously.

I took my backpack and went to the class.

"Hey y/n." Jungkook said. Everyone looked at me. I didn't care.

"Hi." I said and sat down.

I opened up my notepad and noted down the time I've to do things. Cause I should spend some time with Jae-sang and Jae-hwa. And I need time to do homework.

I wrote down everything and kept it inside my bag.

"What were you writing?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just a time table." I said.

"I heard your brother has gone for a work in Gwangju." He said.

I nodded my head.

"Students. Your photography teacher has a announcement." The teacher said as he came in with Mr.Kim.

"Morning everybody. As you have a class on Monday, I'll be giving you an activity. You'll have to work in pairs. Your pair would be your class partners. Work together on a particular topic and take a still of it. We'll discuss about it on Monday. It can be any topic, even a simple one. But everyone must take part. Thank you, have a good day." He said and left.

As he left, the teacher started to teach.

*bell rings

It was lunch break. Finally time to rest. There was continuous classes. The next subject came immediately as soon as the other teacher finished.

I got my lunch and sat down with Jungkook.

"So, about the photography, what do you think?" He asked.

"I dont know. I need sometime to think." I said.

The others joined us.

Jimin oppa also joined us.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you." He said.

"Ok." I said and went with him.

"Y/n, who are those two kids in the apartment?" He asked.

"Oppa, about that, I felt sad for them so I let them stay with me." I said.

"Really sweet. If you need help, you can ask me." He said.

"And about yesterday, I was at a party so I was full drunk. Don't think me wrong. And tell me if anything wrong, if not, Taehyung will kill me." He said. I laughed at it cause I knew how much oppa loved me.

"Ok. Sure." I said and we went back.

We chatted a lot and laughed.

The break got over and we went to our classes.

*time skip

The day got over. I kept my books back in the locker and went to class to take my backpack again.

I went and drove to Jimin oppa's apartment. But before going, I got some sweets for the kids.

I reached and parked the car.

"Y/n?" Someone called me. I turned and was surprised to see Jungkook.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should ask that. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Im staying at Jimin oppa's apartment for a few days."

"Nice. I also stay here. I live in the opposite room." He said.

"Wow. Then we're kinda neighbours." I said. He smiled.

I took my things.

"Let me help you." He said and carried my bag.

"Thanks." I said and we walked upstairs.

*after sometime

We reached our room.

"Thanks a lot." I said.

"My pleasure." He said and was finding his key.

I opened and was greeted by a running Jae-sang and Jae-hwa.

"Unnie!!!" They came running.

"Hey." I said and hugged them.

"I got this for you." I said and gave them chocolates.

"Thank you unnie." They said and went in.

I got up and saw Jungkook looking at me and his hands were busy opening the door.

"How long do you think your gonna open the door?" I asked.

"Uh- sorry. I was just..." he said.

"It's ok. About the assignment, if your free, we can discuss about it." I said.

"Ok, sure." He said and we went to our own rooms.

"Did you both eat food?" I asked. They both nodded.

"Ok. I'll go take a shower, you both stay here. And we'll be having a guest later tonight." I said.

"Ok unnie." They said and watched TV.

I took a shower and put on my pyjama.

I scrolled through my phone.

I forgot to text Tae oppa. Instead of texting, I called him.

"Hi oppa." I said as he attended it.

"Hey baby sis. How are you doing?" He asked.

"Great. And thanks for the gift. It's so cute."

"I'm happy that you loved it and sorry for the sudden plan. I should've let you know before but I didn't get time."

"It's ok oppa. I'm fine and Jimin oppa told me everything. Whatever work you're on, all the best."

"Thank you. Take care, I'll come back soon."

"You too. Bye."

*end of call

I felt relieved talking to him. The door bell rang.

"Jae-hwa, could you check who's there?" I said from inside.

"Ok." She said and went to see.

I was busy inside.

"Unnie, some oppa has come." She said.

"Ok, I'll come." I said and went out.

"Jimin oppa, come in." I said to the girl who got him.

She got him and put him on the couch.

"Sorry for oppa's behaviour. And thanks for dropping him here." I said.

"It's ok. Can I have some water?" She asked.

"Sure." I said and got her some water.

"Thanks." She said.

"Excuse me. May I know your name?" I asked.

"I'm Areum. Nice to meet you."

"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you too." I said.

"Are they your kids?" She asked.

"No, no. They are my siblings." I said.

"Sorry, I said by mistake."

"It's ok, no problem. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. See you soon."

"You too." She said and left.

"Jae-sang, Jae-hwa. Can you stay in the room until I come?" I said. They nodded and went in.

I went to the opposite room and knocked.

He opened the door.

"Jungkook, I need your help." I said immediately. I opened the door and showed Jimin oppa lying on the couch and blabbering something.

"You can stay at my apartment for tonight and I'll stay there. Mornings no we can talk about it to hyung." He said. I nodded and went in to get the kids to the other room.

"Tonight, we'll stay in that room. My friend will be staying here, that's why. Ok? Tomorrow we can come back." I convinced them.

"Ok unnie." They said and we went to jungkook's apartment.

I took them in and they seated themselves.

"Jungkook, if you have any work, you can do it here. You don't need to go all the way there for it." I said.

"It'll take only 15 mins, I'll finish it fast and leave." He said.

"It's ok. You can take your time." I said and started making dinner.

Jungkook went over to the other room to put Jimin oppa in bed. He came back and started working.

I was busy cooking dinner.

"Want some help?" Jungkook asked.

"It's fine. Do you cook?"

"Sometimes. Mostly instant ramen." He said.

I laughed at it.

"Yet you have everything for cooking." I said.

"I just keep it safer side cause whenever Jin hyung comes over, he would cook a meal for me. But now he's married."

"Don't worry about that. I'll cook meals for you everyday. True that Jin oppa's married and has a life to look on, but for that don't think you'll ever not have a good meal." I said.

Dinner was ready.

"Guys, come let's eat." I called to the kids.

They came hopping and sat down.

"Unnie, is this your boyfriend?" Jae-hwa asked.

I choked on my saliva.

"Sweetie, we're friends not together." Jungkook said.

"Sorry oppa, I thought you both liked each other." She said.

"It's ok. What is your name?" He asked her.

"I'm Jae-hwa and this is my brother Jae-sang."

"I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you." He said and pinched her cheeks.

We ate our dinner. Jungkook went over to Jimin oppa and we stayed here.

I had to finish my homework today if I have to spend time with them.

I went to the other side. Jungkook was seated on the couch rubbing his head with a book in his hand.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said in a low voice.

"You don't seem like." I said.

"My head. It hurts." He said holding both his hands on his head.

I went near him and sat next to him.

"Here, lay down on me." I said. He looked confused but still in pain.

"Just lay down." I said. He laid down and I put some balm on his forehead and gave him a massage.

"How do you feel now?" I asked.

"Better." He said.

I still gave him a massage.

He had slowly fallen asleep.

"Unnie!!" Jae-sang came running and shouting across the hall.

"Shhhh! Oppa is sleeping, don't disturb him. You close the door and sleep. I'll come." I whispered to him. He nodded and left.

*after sometime

My hands gave up on me. I felt tired and just laid my head on the couch. Without my knowledge I fell asleep.


Third person POV

*next morning

Jae-sang and Jae-hwa woke up early and saw unnie was not there.

They came out and saw Y/n and Jungkook sleeping together.

Y/n's hands were on jungkook's chest and his hands were holding hers.

"Unnie, let's go wake them up." Jae-sang said.

She nodded and they both got some water and sprinkled it on both of them.

Y/n and Jungkook opened their eyes. They both looked at their hands.

"Unnie!" Jae-hwa said.

Realising it, they both immediately took their hands off each other and Jungkook sat up.


Y/n's POV

"Unnie, I'm hungry." Jae-sang whined.

"Why am I here?" I heard Jimin oppa's voice. I turned and saw him standing by the door.

"You guys go freshen up. I'll make breakfast." I said to the kids.

They ran into jungkook's apartment.

"Oppa. Where were you last night?" I asked him.

"Me? I was with my friends." He said.


"Kinda." He said.

"Oppa, why? Does Tae oppa know about this?" I asked.

"I guess."

"Why do you drink? I'll not let you go until you give me an answer oppa." I said firmly.

He flopped onto the couch and looked down.

"I broke up with Ae-cha." He said.

"What?" Me and Jungkook asked in shock.

He nodded.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"She thinks there's nothing between us anymore." As he said, tears flowed.

I sat next to him and comforted him.

"Oppa, it's ok." I said.

"But oppa, you don't need to drink. What's the use of drinking. It's not gonna help you. Please don't drink." I said.

"I promise." He said.

"And I'm planning on going back to my house." I said. Both were shocked.

"Y/n, you're safe here. If Tae gets to know, you know what'll happen." He said.

"Oppa, I didn't say I'm going alone." I said.

"Who are you going with then?" Oppa asked.

"The kids and Jungkook."

"Me?" He asked.

"Why not? You're my protection." I said.

"Ok." He said hesitant.

I went and made breakfast.

Everyone gathered at the table.

We started eating and were chatting.

After we finished I went over to the kids and said,"We'll be going somewhere else today. It's a surprise."

"Really? Ok." They said.

"We better leave now, so we have time for our project." I said.

We had packed our things and left to my house.

To be continued.....

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