
Chapter 269

Princess Charmaine thought Prince Rana will ask her to be his dancing partner. Isn't it a custom to have your first dance with your partner at a party? But Prince Rana ignored that custom and left her alone. Not that she really mind it though. At least Prince Rana is not like those princes she knew who keep on pestering her all the time.

When Princess Charmaine got bored, she quietly left the party hall and stayed on the terrace for a while. The princess removed her shoes and let the cold night air kissed her skin. Princess Charmaine was enjoying her time until someone opened the door and saw Prince Rana.

"Anyways. Princess—"

"Woah, chill. Why are you suddenly aggressive towards me?"

"Because you are obviously making fun of me!"

"Eh? Am I?" Prince Rana asked her back with a grin on his face. "Anyways, I want to ask you for a favor."

"A favor?"

"Yes. A favor." Rana said.

"And that is?"

"Want to dance with me?"

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